
Swot Analysis of Intel Essay

Decent Essays

The Intel Corporation

Introduction The main purpose of this case analysis is to find the issue and problem that Intel Corporation faced and how they improve their performance and solve problems. First, I will summarize the history of Intel Corporation. Second, to point out the challenge that Intel Corporation has. And, third, I will use SWOT analysis to analyze the internal strengths and weakness and external opportunities and threats of Intel Corporation. Eventually, I will give some recommendation.
History of Intel Corporation Intel Corporation is a leading microprocessor producer for personal computer (PC) in the world. Intel Corporation was formed by In 1968, Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore founded Intel …show more content…

Moreover, the customers will never feel satisfaction with buying the same or few types of microprocessors. In order to satisfy various demands, Intel always spend huge amount and put a lot of efforts into their R&D department which makes Intel is able to introduce new products before its competitors. Consequently, Intel can provide the choices to the demand from high-end product with high price and the low-end demand with lower price.
3. Economic of Scale Intel has almost dominated the PC, laptop, and corporate computer’s CPU which allows Intel to build up highly barriers for the new entrants because of the large economies of scale. Once Intel reaches the economies scale, they have a significant cost advantage over its competitors and that this dominant ability will make its competitors are essentially price takers, with little power to set up their own prices.
1. The Struggle of Expanding Smartphone Business Many experts claim that the smart phone will be flagship product in high tech industry for next decades. However, currently, ARM (The Architecture for the Digital World) dominates the smart phone chip market and acknowledges the first mover advantaged. As a result, it is very difficult to expand smart phone chip business for Intel and lose its competitive advantage.
2. Downward Microprocessor Demand

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