
Team Teamwork And Performance : Maximizing Profits And Minimizing Costs

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Teams, Teamwork and Performance

Maximizing profits and minimizing costs has been the key of every organization, and achieving this goal can be aided by the implementation of teams. Teamwork is everywhere. The number of organizations using teamwork is increasing. The team phenomenon has heightened our need to better understand what makes these groups more or less effective (Miller, 2003). Effective teams can provide many advantages in organizations, and all of the contributions of teams lead to stronger competitive advantages and higher overall organizational performance. In this overview of teamwork, I will apply my university group project example to describe the type and the characteristics of the team that I have been involved with, and to illustrate the five stages of team development. In addition, the team cohesiveness will be analyzed and at the end my overall experience in this teamwork will be narrated.
Organizations use many types of teams to achieve the advantages. There are many types of teams documented in the literature. Huszczo (1990), for example, mentions committees, task forces, quality circles, employee participation groups, joint union management teams, action committees, project teams, supervisory councils and autonomous or self-directed work teams. Teams of this kind are set up with a specific objective in mind and they meet periodically to discuss a pre-determined agenda. As a consequence, the conduct and behavior of such team meetings are focused and

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