
Technology And Technology

Satisfactory Essays

The internet and technology usage in classrooms has both a positive and a negative influence upon students. Students have a better opportunity for learning due to the wide variety of apps and the usage of the search engine to help students find more information and learn more. The negative effect that technology has upon students is reflected in their school work and education, also causing students to get addicted and finding the constant need to be texting. In classrooms, students could go on other websites, such as playing games, which is another source of distraction. Technology usage has positive and negative effects upon students in classrooms.
Technology is used a lot in the 21st century, and it is affecting teens negatively. …show more content…

For example, the internet provides more information for students, and students can contact their teachers when they need help at home. In the article entitled Teens, Technology, and School. Data Memo, the author mentions, “...The vast majority of teens and their parents believe that the use of the internet helps students in the classroom and in their studies…” This quote helps support the fact that the internet is an important factor of school and can be helpful. This can also be proved in the article called How Digital Media is Transforming Education, the author states, “...Further, digital technology has transformed our larger society by becoming central to the act of experiencing all forms of information, writing, communicating, and multifaceted thinking...” This quote proved that it is a main source of communication which proves that technology is helpful because it is a simpler way for students and teachers to communicate outside of the classroom. Overall, the use of phones and internet does indeed cause students to have an academic downgrade if not used for a educational purposes.
Students are incapable of having higher achievements in school due to the large amount of time spent using the internet and focusing on social media rather than doing work. The constant need to check phones and go on social media is an addiction that is spread through most teens,

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