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Procedia Economics and Finance 6 (2013) 418 – 423

International Economic Conference of Sibiu 2013 Post Crisis Economy: Challenges and
Opportunities, IECS 2013

Global Strategy: the Case of Nissan Motor Company
Sorin-George Tomaa, Paul Marinescua * a Faculty of Administration and Business, University of Bucharest, Romania

The concept of global strategy has become prominent in the international business and management literature in the 1980s. The aims of our paper are to render in brief the concept of global strategy and to highlight some of the main strategy. Our paper contributes to a better understanding of the global strategy concept, and its designing …show more content…

There is no universal accepted definition of the concept (Table 1).
Table 1. Definitions of the global strategy concept




M. W. Peng

Strategy around the globe.


B. J. Witcher, V. S. Chau

The use by organizations of a standardized product and service range to exploit markets in different markets.


R. M. Grant

A strategy that views the world as a single, if segmented, market.

According to some researchers all the definitions of the concept can be grouped into three views (Peng and
Pleggenkuhle-Miles, 2008). The first view considers global strategy as a particular form of multinational corporation strategy that treats all the countries as a global marketplace. The second view states that global strategy is related to international strategic management and the third perspective incorporates both international and domestic corporate strategy. Starting from the relationship between pressure to cut costs and pressure to adapt to local conditions (Figure 1), four strategic approaches for global-level business have been identified: multi-domestic, global, international and of countries across the world with a single strategy that is highly co-ordinated and integrated t
(Stonehouse, Hamill, Campbell and Purdie, 2004, p. 4). The multi-domestic strategy is the use by corporations of different products

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