
VARK Analysis: The Catalyst By Fleming And Mills

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The VARK Analysis
Fleming & Mills (1992) developed the VARK questionnaire as “a technique that would focus students’ attention on ways they address information” (Fleming & Mills, 1992, “The Catalyst”, para. 1). The questionnaire consists of 13 multiple-choice questions used to determine students’ learning preference. The goal of each question is to place a reader in a situation they have experienced before and ask for their preferred action (Fleming & Mills, 1992). Based on the answers provided, the VARK identifies a learning preference, which can include one of the four styles: visual, aural, read/write, or kinesthetic (Fleming & Mills, 1992).
After completing the questionnaire, VARK identified the read/write style as the preferred method of learning for this author. According to the VARK database (2011), 27% of people are read/write learners (Fleming, n.d.). These types of learners prefer to access information from written materials such as books, handouts, articles, or dictionaries. Reading the printed information and writing notes are methods used “as their first preference for taking in information” (Fleming, 1995, p. 2). Alexandra & Georgeta (2011) state, “People who prefer this modality are often addicted to PowerPoint, the Internet, lists, and words” (p. 579). The read/write learners make good traditional learners because most schools assign some form of reading to teach new material. Additionally, these students may do well in an online classroom

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