
The As A Stream Of Consciousness

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on transference, in which, in his case studies the patients transferred feelings for others onto the doctor (Thurschwell, 39). Therefore in, The Prelude, the narrator appears to transfer feelings intended for the female onto Nature and then proceeds to sexualize Nature.
“For Freud, every thought is unconscious before it is conscious” (Thurschwell, 4). With that being said, the imagination allows unconscious thoughts to reach consciousness once they are written. They exist within the imagination until consciously, the narrator releases the words through a process Freud refers to as “free association” and allows them to exist on the page. Free Association when used in psychoanalysis entails the patient to say whatever thought comes to mind when triggered by something else. The process of Free Association resembles the process of a writer imagining and writing what comes to mind. This process, also known as a “stream of consciousness”, was first referred to by William James in “The Principles of Psychology” published in 1889. When referring to ‘Substantive’ and ‘Transitive’ States of Mind, James writes, “When we take a general view of the wonderful stream of our consciousness, what strikes us first is the different pace of its parts. Like a bird’s life, it seems to be an alternation of flights and perchings. The rhythm of language expresses this, where every thought is expressed in a sentence, and every sentence closed by a period. The resting-places are usually occupied by

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