Where were you on the morning of September 11th 2001? Most people over the age 20 can tell you exactly where they were and what they were doing when they found out about the events that occurred that historic September day. I, for example, was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on a United States Naval Ship. The goal of the terrorist attacks may have been to break Americas resolve, however, the attacks actually united the American people. The attacks that occurred on September 11th 2001 killed 2,843 people including those on the airplanes, in the towers, in the Pentagon, police officers, firefighters, paramedics and bystanders in New York, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania.1 The events that occurred on September 11, 2001, affected many people in the United States and abroad, and began the War on Terror.
“On a sunny September morning, nineteen Islamic terrorists from Al Qaeda hijacked four commercial jets and flew two of them into New York City’s World Trade Center, destroying its twin towers and killing more than 2,900 people.”2 September 11th 2001 at 8:45 in the morning, a high jacked commercial airplane crashed into the 80th floor of North Tower of the World Trade Towers instantly killing hundreds of people and trapping even more people in the floors above the crash.3 Then less than 20 minutes later a second airplane crashed into the 60th floor of the South Tower of the World Trade Towers.4 The second airplane crash caused a huge explosion and prompted the evacuation of
On September 11, 2001 four passenger commercial jet airliners were hijacked and as a result approximately 3,000 human lives were lost. When asked about 9/11, many can recall exactly what they were doing when they heard the news that a plane crashed into one of the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings and many Americans can tell you how it all unfolded and the reason behind such a travesty. The “official story” provided by officials, and restated by Sofia Shafquat, producer of “9/11 Mysteries: Demolitions” say that “four passenger planes were hijacked and taken radically off course, within an hour, two of the planes had flown into the enormous steel towers of the World Trade Center, creating fires and eventually toppling them” (Shafquat).
On a quiet Tuesday morning at 8:45 September 11, 2001, a 767 was fully loaded and ready for departure. When an Islamic extremist group called Al-Qaeda, hijacked the plane and crashed into on of the World Trade Center Towers. On the 80th story of a 110 story building. It instantly killed all in the plane and many in the tower. 18 short minutes later another 757 United Airline disappeared into the second building. This plane crashed into the south side of the second building on the 60th floor killing all in the plane as well.
On September 11, 2001, members of the terrorist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airplanes. At 8:45 in the morning, an American Airlines plane crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. The incident killed hundreds of people instantly, and trapped hundreds in the burning building (“9/11 Attacks”). Americans thought it was only a freak accident, but less than twenty minutes later, a United Airlines plane crashed into the south tower. It was no longer an accident, but an attack.
On September 11, 2001, an Islamic terrorist group, known as Al-Queda, hijacked four American airplanes and attempted to crash them into important United States landmarks, such as the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the White House. Unfortunately, the hijackers succeeded at The Pentagon and World Trade Center. Nearly three thousand people lost their lives because of these attacks. Sixteen years later, people still remember it as one of the most tragic events in US history. On this day, the most massive terrorist attack to ever happen on American soil occurred, yet the after effects of 9/11 are even larger; because of 9/11, the United States has developed safer air travel and immigration policies, but unfortunately, innocent Islamic people suffered and are still suffering from hate crimes.
September 11, 2001 (herein referred to as 9/11) was a day in American history, which will be remembered as the most horrific attack on American soil. This attack, carried out by nineteen Islamic extremists, was associated with al-Qaeda, and involved the hijacking of four airplanes. Two of those airplanes were hijacked and flown directly into the World Trade Center in New York City, New York. The third plane’s target was the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and the fourth plane was brought down in Pennsylvania where it is believed the passengers aboard fought the hijackers. This horrific day in history cost over 3,000 people their lives, and was labeled the worst attack on American soil since the attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II.
A day not any individual could fathom became a reality on September 11, 2001. On this date, America was under attack from four airplanes hijacked by nineteen Al-Qaeda members from the roots of an Islamic terrorist group. All four were aimed at United States significance: the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and the White House. The attack proved to be disastrous and nearly three-thousand lives were taken in a single day. This occurrence has shaped the United States drastically and how America is perceived today.
On September 11, 2001, the Islamist terrorist group known as al-Qaeda launched a series of terrorist attacks on the United States of America, specifically in the New York City and Washington D.C areas. Nineteen al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four planes with the intention of using them as suicide attacks that would crash those planes into designated buildings, or targets. Two of the four passenger jets were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, both of which collapsed entirely within two hours of being hit. The third plane was crashed into the Pentagon, and the west side of the building, which is the
On September 11’th 2001 on the morning hijacked by 19 Arab men 4 aircraft were all heading towards California, and used them as suicide missiles. They flew into the World Trade Center two twin towers, the Pentagon and after a long struggle with passengers crashed last down on a field. World Trade Center consisted of seven buildings, three of the buildings collapsed and the four others were damaged by the other collapsed. It is believed that the 19 Arab men, was led by the Egyptian Mohammed Atta (1968-2001) 5.
The 9/11 attacks opened the avenue for a scrutiny of the performance and ability of the intelligence community to detect any threats to the safety of the United States. The media, politicians, reformists and other interested parties would not comprehend how such an attack would happen without the knowledge of the intelligence community. However, it is important to consider the fact that the attack was one of its kind and could not be approached with the resources and expertise used in other initiative such as the cold war. Therefore, the need to restructure the intelligence community arose from the view that it was still operating in the mindset and spirit of the cold war even in the modern era that had seen a revolutionary change of warfare
Most people from one time to another have had a memorable event within their lifetime. One memorable event that spread across the United States and affected many people is what is known as 9/11. This event affected many innocent lives, those that survived as well as those that did not. September 11th marks in history as a horrifying even that now affects people’s societal, political, and personal decisions. It is marked down as a day no U.S. citizen would forget.
The attacks of 9/11 affected the United States by increasing discrimination, endangering the health of many Americans, hurting the economy and changing foreign and security policies.
The terrorist attacks of September 11, altered American 's perceptions of the role in the world by strongly supporting the increased spending on national security and counterterrorism. Also, Americans have become more aware of how and where to engage in the world. As a result of the attacks, the US now has a defense that totals to nearly half the global total and has military dominance over scene, air, and space. The US also has the capability to dispatch massive military power anywhere in the world making them the system shaper. You may ask yourself just have a bad or do you check on September 11, 2001 was that led to this chaos and security becoming abnormally tight you may ask yourself just have a bad do you check on September 11, 2001
On September 11, 2001, members of the terrorist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airplanes. At 8:45 in the morning, an American Airlines plane crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. Hundreds of people were killed instantly, and hundreds more were trapped in the burning building. It was thought to be only a freak accident. Less than twenty minutes later, a United Airlines plane crashed into the south tower. It was no longer an accident, but an attack. Later on that morning the third plane hit the Pentagon, and passengers overtook the last plane and crashed it into a field in Pennsylvania. The combined damage from all four planes resulted in the deaths of over 3,000 people, and injuries to another 10,000. Only six people who were
September 11, 2001, millions of New Yorkers and American citizens woke up and started their day, unprepared and unaware for the catastrophic attack that would be taking place in just a few short hours. At 8:46 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower. The impact killed all of the passengers and crew as well as hundreds inside the building. At 9:03 a.m., a second plane, Flight 175, crashed into the corner of the South Tower killing passenger, crew, and workers who worked on floors seventy-five to eighty-three. Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. killing approximately 185 individuals (History.com Staff). Because of the damaged to the support system, fires, and impact at extremely fast speed, the South Tower collapsed at 9:59 a.m. (Lipton and Glanz). Having heard about the acts of terrorism that had just taken place in New York and Washington, D.C., a group of passengers drove their plane, Flight 93, into a Pennsylvania field killing everyone on board but possibly saving hundreds of other lives in the process. The North Tower collapsed at 10:28 a.m. 102 minutes after being struck (History.com Staff). On September 11, 2001, almost twelve hundred people were wounded or killed by “coordinated suicide attempts” by Al Qaeda terrorists. In result to the four airplanes being hijacked and used for premediated reasons, the United States government instituted new regulations for entering the country and airport security as well as expounded on systems already in place.
On September 11, 2001 the World Trade Center buildings one and two were attacked. However, who we were attacked by and even if we were attacked is a hard decision to make. There have been many different claims about how everything on that fateful day happened. There are facts that we know are true, though; Flight 11 flew into the North Tower at eight forty- six in the morning. Soon after, Flight 175 attacked the South Tower. By the end of the day, both towers had collapsed and other hijacked flights had caused damage. The amount of lives lost on September 11 was substantial; 2,749 people from eighty-three different countries died from the attacks (Facts about the attacks…, n.d.). All in all, America was changed forever.