
The Business Strategy And Operational Plan

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Some of the business strategy and operational plan does not support each other, therefore the Operation plan 2011/12 will need amendment. The external business environment may have significant impact on the organisation and the activities of CoffeeVille. The organisation requirements for diversity within the work place is made up of Equal Employment Opportunities, free from discrimination and harassment for all staff, so they are able to work efficiently and effectively and to achieve his or her full potential. Human resources strategies and action plan within recruiting new staff section, staff satisfied and motivated within their work place and staff are trained as accordingly to their positions. Roles and responsibilities of Human …show more content…

(Page four) Maintain superior in high quality products and service standards. (Page five) Maintain highly trained and motivated staff to consist of high levels of knowledge and fast and friendly customer service. C) Operational/Business Plan 2011/12 The Operational plan 2011/12 with the Business plan does not align, as the budget in the Operational plan 2011/12 for marketing budget, (Page two) (Customer surveys and analysis) has a budget of $3,000 each quarter which adds up to be $12,000 year. (Pages one, two and four) adds up to be $68,000 in total, The Business 2011/12 plan allows $60,000 in total for marketing for the year. CoffeeVille Operational plan 2011/12 (direct and indirect costs page three) is not to negotiate to purchase stock on cash basis, as all direct and indirect cost for the business must show records for the accountant and all finance of the company must add up. Negotiate prices of stock with different companies for the best deal. 3. Analysis of current business environment Due to CoffeeVille business plan (page 19). Economics environment Australian economy as a whole remains cautiously optimistic, due to the Euro zone sovereign debt-related issues and lack-lustre American economic performance. Strong financial and mining sectors offset weaker retail and manufacturing performance. Unemployment rate remains fewer than

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