
The Causes Of Drug Addiction

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Drug addiction, a new major phenomenon in our society today. In this paper, we will look at different drugs, the compulsive cravings, the people that have become addicted to them and affects it’s had on their lives. Many people abuse drugs but don’t consider themselves addicts. Addiction is like all behaviors “the business of the brain”. Addictions are compulsive physical and psychological needs from habit-forming sustenance’s like nicotine, alcohol, and drugs. Being occupied with or involved in such activities, leads a person who uses them again and again to become tolerant and dependent eventually experiencing withdrawal. (Molintas, 2007). The narcotics disable the neurons that would usually keep the dopamine neurons in check; becoming over stimulated. Endorphins are produced and released within the brain, creating a high and reinforcing the individual’s positive associations with the activity. Hence “the rush” (Molintas, 2007)
Every year, alcohol and drug abuse lead to thousands of deaths all over the country. Addiction to these harmful substances is a major problem for society. It can only be solved when people understand the reasons that cause it, and see the full scope of the effects it produces.
The reasons that push people into an addiction to drugs or alcohol vary greatly. Every person is unique, so it is not surprising that the causes of their troubles are different as well. However, there are certain factors that increase the risks of a person developing this

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