
The Changes Within The Student Population At The Moment And The Role Is Played By Technology

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Here we discuss the various changes that are happening around us because of the technologies that are to be made in order to discuss the changes within the student population at the moment and the role which is played by technology. Then it is shown how the changes are being made in society can affect the requirements for graduates who are about to be employed. These requirements are brought into light by the fact that technology integration will play a larger role in changing our teaching environments for better teaching outcomes so that the support can be bettered for developing top notch thinking skills essential for the 21st century. Which has led to the raise of emerging learning theories

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Also by the year 1999 it is found that an unexpectedly a larger percentage (96.95%) of kindergarten students can access computers either home or school. Based on some statistics, even poor students who might not access the technology at home are utilizing it by either using the available resources in the library of their school, or in a classmate’s house. These statistics prove that technology has a vital role in the lives of students. It has helped to verify why an educator presume the change is essential in teaching and learning methods. If students are so engaged in using the technology outside the classroom, they value it. Then it would be logical to assume that if technology were merged into the classroom learning environment has to be more purposeful to the students. Considering the fact that all parts of society are changed significantly in an unseen way by information technology and has been continuing the change so that the future will not be neglected. Schools have to adopt these changes and research must advance with the belief that technology is and will exist to be an expanding component in the educational system. This is the actuality why the students are so involved when it comes to the usage of technology. It is a herculean task to progress in a world which is run by technology and not be affected by it.

As mentioned above the world has significantly been changed by the information

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