
The Damns: The Ancient Egyptian Civilization

Decent Essays

The ancient Egyptian civilization, roughly five thousand years ago, was intelligent, powerful, and full of innovation-especially compared to other societies around at that time. The Egyptians worked on a grand scale, meaning they unified their two portions of Egypt, upper and lower, into one ruling system. This got rid of the normal city-state, (different countries/areas had individual freedom, government, and independence. Not unified), form of government that the world was used to. The government was different than any other at that time. They had Pharaoh’s, whom were both politically and religiously in power. The Pharaoh not only ruled over all of Egypt, he/she also ruled over the army. They had a chief minister called a Vizier who were …show more content…

They had also built the first stone columns, forts and damns. Damns were used to help protect places, like the capitol, from flooding that was created by the Nile River that surrounded Egypt. The damns would redirect the flow of the Nile, the ones that didn’t work, (like the damns found today with holes in the middle of them), were used as a learning curve. That’s what the Egyptians believed-they knew that structural disasters were a learning curve to create something better; which they did. They created canals. These canals were used for trading and acted as an interstate highway system to link Egyptians to other …show more content…

The main difference between the two was the viewpoint on slavery. Egypt relied heavily on their slaves, and while they also had indentured servants, they still took conquered people as slaves and used those people for labor. The Persians didn’t like the idea of slavery; when they conquered a territory they would free any current slaves, like when they freed the Hebrews, and even allowed them to become incorporated into the Persian society. When the empire needed to have something built or done, they believed in paying for the labor. So when Cyrus and Darius the Great both had great architectures, they paid for the work. Some of the architectures were the Royal Road, which was a stone highway that connected all lands of Persia, the Darius Canal which connected Mediterranean and the Red Sea. You also had great audience halls built, large columns like Persepolis and even a massive garden surrounded two palaces called Pasargadae. The Pasargadae was not only the first garden but the idea of it still exists today. Like the Egyptians, the Persians used a lot of stone for their

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