
The Day With The Patients Of Regent Care

Decent Essays

On February 5, 2016, I had the privilege to spend the day with the patients of Regent Care. I was accompanied by my classmates from the Communication Disorders program. As I walked into the facilities cafeteria we gathered around the round tables. As we waited for instructions our professor gave us an overview of what we were expected to do. There were big squared plastic bins that were filled with different kinds of supplies. As we assisted our peers get the supplies out of the bin we began to separate and organize the supplies by activities. We began by cleaning the round tables with water. After they were dry we began setting up the different stations. There were about five activities which included getting their nails done, decorating a picture frame, decorating a bag, painting figures as arts and crafts and bowling. There was an elderly woman sitting by herself in one of the round tables looking at us set up the activities. I approached her by asking her if she wanted to decorate a bag. She looked at me with a smile and said, “si, claro con gusto.” I opened the package of fabric painted and lined up the paint in front of her where she was able to reach all five colors. As I called out each color she told me her favorite color was green. I asked what she wanted to write or draw on the bag, but she replied by saying, “yo no se. Yo no puedo pensar.” I was saddened to hear her say she was not capable of thinking. I encouraged her by saying, “let’s write your name!” she

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