
The Debate Of The Prostitution Debate

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On the other hand, some cities have wised up and are beginning to implement these kinds of rehabilitation programs. For instance, the aforementioned Yvette Brooks-Godley was a college graduate before she became a prostitute. Drugs sent her life into a downward spiral and she didn’t reform her ways until the court system tried something different. She benefitted from a fairly new prostitution diversion program in Chicago, WINGS Court, which manifested from a grassroots campaign by the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless. Consequently, Brooks-Godley received the rehabilitation services that she desperately needed and now she is drug-free, financially independent, and owns a small food company. “Sometimes all we need is somebody to believe in us when we don’t believe in ourselves,” says Brooks-Godley. In short, the prostitution debate, like so many other issues, tends to be discussed in abstract terms, but her message shows that we need to remember how these policies directly affect real people’s lives.
Naturally, many people assume, albeit incorrectly, that liberalizing prostitution will result in law and order falling to the wayside. However, this underground market leaves its participants with no legal protections and that makes them a target of thieves, gangs and or pimps who often “tax” them. The prostitutes who operate independently from these thugs are labelled as “renegades.” It’s analogous to how independent bookies who operate without ties to organized crime are

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