We have searched Ebsco Host electrionic databases and BASA databases for the scopes of practice for physiotherapy, biokinetics and physician. With that information we have set up a questionnaire regarding who has the final decision of the athletes return to play. We have handed out 5 questionnaires to random physicians, physiotherapists and biokineticists in Bloemfontein Free State. Based on the data we recorded on the different tipes of scopes of practice and their limitations, we used the Decision – Based RTP Model to see who has the final say in the athletes return to play.
The Decision – Based RTP model consist of three steps. Step one is evaluation of health status and the phase of recovery the patient is in. Step two is participating
Players cannot return to the game or cannot return to practice until they have been cleared from the team doctor as well as a neurologist
Through basic observations, health professionals are able to evaluate the performance of an individual’s health status. In relation to Casey, it is noted in her Observation Chart that in the time span of two hours the patient’s health status had changed from being relatively normal (to the patient) to an increased respiratory rate, heart rate and temperature as well as a decrease in blood pressure. It is also noted that the patient has a score of 8 in the pain scale (compared to the score of zero two hours previously), relating to the lower abdomen. Programs such as Between the Flags acknowledges the fact that the early recognition of deterioration of patients can reduce harm to patients through designing and implementing systems which provide a structural response in the event of a deteriorating patient, such as Rapid Response and Clinical Review. There are two phases involved in the rapid response, which includes the afferent phase and the efferent phase. The afferent phase focuses on the overall monitoring and recognising the deteriorating patient whereas
Scenario: You have impressed during your work placement at Thornensians rugby club and have been asked to stay for an additional week. The club physiotherapist has suggested that you look to improve your knowledge surrounding the rehabilitation of players returning from injury, paying particular attention to their physiological and psychological responses.
CONSTRUCTED RESPONSE 1. Imagine if there was a law that told people how many kids they could have, or how big their family could be. Even though it might sound rather harsh, the one-child policy wasn't bad at all. The one-child policy was passed in the 1980s, and was created in order to reduce China's population rate.
This article takes a perspective of the patient approach, in how ultimately long term their health in their hands. How the physical therapists are there to guide and make small corrections,
Abigail Williams is the niece of Reverend Parris. From the beginning the audience can get the idea that Abigail is not a truthful person. At first, Abigail tells her uncle, Parris, that did not do any sort of witchcraft in the forest. She said her, betty, and the others were only dancing. Once Reverend Hale starts questioning the event in the forest, Abigail then begins to reveal what she said actually happened in the forest. She also begins to show cowardness when she confesses they were doing witchcraft. She then changes the story that their servant,Tituba, had forced them to drink blood and do the witchcraft.
Rademeyer as well as others in the profession can influence the decisions of their patients by helping them to make the right choices in managing their lives on a physical basis, by helping them to modify their jobs, sports and other activities and by helping to ensure they follow the rehabilitation process laid out by their physicians (Rademeyer, 2015). Also by listening and educating the patients she can help patients better manage and control their conditions.
Once the information is recorded a care plan based around the pre operative assessment can be created using the next step in the
My clinical rotation for the fall semester of my junior year is with the King’s College Men’s soccer team. As an athletic training student, I hold a lot of responsibilities regarding the prevention, evaluation, diagnosis, management, and treatment of these student athletes. Most of my daily activities can be separated into three groups, the pre-practice, pre-game, during the activity, and post- practice and post-game. Along with knowing human anatomy, other important characteristics of an athletic trainer are having good communication skills, learning how to properly document medical information, and always be keeping up-to- date with medical portals such as pyramed.
As I began to realistically consider athletic training as an occupation, Pete assisted me in making an educated decision. One drawback to athletic training is that positions in high-paying professional jobs are limited and highly competitive. Professional sports such as football require very long hours, frequent travel, and working seven days a week. These positions are exceedingly political, and it can be difficult to be an advocate for an injured player while satisfying team management. It is also notable that some players are resistant to athletic injury treatment; this slows recovery time,
Clinical decision support is a system designed with capabilities to enhance physician and other health care provider in the clinical decision task. It enable the physician to have more knowledge of the patient that they are provided with care, more advance knowledge of the type of illness that the patient is going through so that appropriate clinical decision would be included in the patient treatment plan (PTP) ("What is Clinical Decision Support (CDS)? | Policy Researchers & Implementers |," 2013)
this studies outcome statistics and utilize the measures to better assist others in getting back
has been shown to have a positive impact on patient outcomes. This model is one that can be
In this essay I will discuss theoretical principals of rehabilitation of a particular patient I cared for while on clinical placement. It will focus on the role of the multidisciplinary team involved in this rehabilitation process post acute myocardial infarction and the education and support given to the patient and her family during the discharge planning process. Also I will be including statistics and evidence of pathophysiology. The National Service Framework for Older People (Department of Health, 2001) sets out eight standards including standard three about intermediate care services that promote independence and provide effective rehabilitation services. Active rehabilitation is seen to reduce the risks of hospital readmission,
The death penalty has been a controversial issue for many years. It was established centuries ago and has been accepted by society. It was put into place to punish those who had committed an offense against laws of the institution that was in place at the time. Within our society the death penalty has been associated with several symbols. ‘An eye for an eye,’ is a symbol that has come to be the representation of the death penalty; which was one of the original ideas behind it. Times have changed and the death penalty is now used for more serious offenses and considered to be a deterrence. The death penalty should be abolished because it does not effectively deter crime. I will be discussing the lack of deterrence on the death penalty