
The Diet Of A Diet

Decent Essays

In early January, I embarked on creating a new lifestyle for myself, based off of the 'Whole 30 ' “diet”. I took my son to his 4 year check-up, and after he stepped on the scale, I decided to weigh myself. I hadn 't weighed myself in almost 6 months, but my curiosity got the best of me. I was a whopping 147 pounds! I hadn 't weighed that much since the last trimester of my pregnancy. That was the defining moment when I made the decision to live a healthier life. I had tried several diets and saw very little results, but when I researched Whole 30, I knew it was so much more than a diet. Many people are not familiar with Whole 30, or if they have heard of it, they assume it is the most recent diet fad. Whole 30 is not a diet, it is a healthy lifestyle choice. Let me explain how Whole 30 works, then I will break down the health benefits that go along with this style of clean eating. First, let me tell you that this process has been life changing for me and there are too many positive results to ever go back to eating processed food again. The basis of Whole 30, is 30 days of clean eating. This includes no alcohol, sugar, grains or dairy. It consists of low carb, high protein meals, with an abundance of fresh vegetables and minimal fruit. Drinking a lot of water is also a key component because it keeps you hydrated and helps flush out the toxins from your system, along with clearing out excess fatty cells and tissue. The idea is to give your body a system reset and to clean

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