
The Effect Of Brain Based Learning On The Academic Achievement

Decent Essays

Meeting the needs of students is essential when creating a learning environment that promotes higher order thinking. Understanding how the brain works is a crucial component of meeting individual student needs. Brain research provides teachers with insight to the brain’s inner workings and complexity.
The Effects of Brain-Based Learning on the Academic Achievement No two students learn the exact same because no two brains are the exact same. Bilal Duman suggests in his article that Brain Based Learning understands that the brain works in unity, but it contains different sections that have different purposes. The right side is concrete and the left side is abstract, and within it four lobes provide different functions. If teachers use brain-based learning, they are providing students with academic achievement opportunities that are individualized for each student. “The development of learning activities catering for all the components of an individual’s learning style requires the design of teaching-learning models that can stimulate all the senses and the lobes of the brain” (Duman, 2010). Duman also proposed that students should be categorized into four learning styles from Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory: accommodators, divergers, convergers, and assimilators (Duman, 2010). Each category incorporates a method of grasping experience and a method of transforming experience. Accommodators rely on concrete experience and abstract conceptualization when learning

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