
The Eight Stages Of Psychosocial Development

Decent Essays

Theory Selection Rational Understanding the eight stages of psychosocial development in a practical sense is vital to building a healthy student teacher relationship. I selected this theory to gain an understanding of how to effectively interact with my future students. This theory refines my ability to identify and gage my student’s unique psychological developmental progress. A deeper understanding of this enables me the ability to identify key developmental milestones and improve my lesson plans accordingly. I selected this theory because it provides me with the insight required to establish a bond of trust with each student in my classroom. Additionally, I selected this theory because it provides me an awareness of signs that would …show more content…

Additionally, this will develop opportunities for my students to personally reflect on their preferences and spark a deeper understanding of themselves. This is in connection to stage two of Erikson’s psychosocial developmental theory. (Ormrod, 2014). I will implement Erikson’s theory in my classroom to develop initiative among my students. For example, I will achieve this by allowing my them to select from a list of several writing projects or by developing their own subject as it pertains to the lesson. This will demonstrate to my students that I respect their interests and provide them the opportunity to take control of their learning process. Additionally, by allowing them to make these types of decisions will demonstrate that I believe in their performance abilities. This is in connection to stage three of Erikson’s psychosocial developmental theory. (Batra, 2013). I will implement Erikson’s theory in my future classroom to develop industry among my students. For example, I will accomplish this by simplifying extensive instructions or activities to make them more comprehensible to my students. This will allow them to build upon smaller successes to achieve a greater goal. Additionally, this will increase their confidence to step outside of their comfort zone. This is in connection to stage four of Erikson’s psychosocial developmental theory. (Ormrod, 2014). Additionally, I will implement Erikson’s theory to develop

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