When most people look at children they think they are all the same. That every child learns and thinks the same, but thats not the case. Children are all different. Their is not one child out there that is the same as another, not even twins. They are all different because of the way their Physical, Cognative, and Social/ emotional developments develop. Physical development is the change in the body such as growth, movement, and the way they percieve the environment. Cognative development is the mental process in a child; whereas Social and emotional development are the ways children handle relationships and undersatnd their own feelings.The way these things develop are based on the way the child is brought up. Every little thing affects it. Some things that have a big impact on a child's development are enviorment, nutrition, and family. The enviorment that a child grows up in has a huge impact on their development. When they are raised in other countries, such as France, Germany, and so on, they are learning their language but they also are taught English. This is great because being that they know english they can comunicate with just about anyone. Americans have it hard because we do not learn foreign languages until middle school and by then it is really hard to get the hang of it and really master it. It is easier to learn other languages when we are younger because children do most of their learning in their preschool years and younger. Children who live in
Each and every child develops at a different rate to other children, no two are the same.
The area a child grows up in has an effect, for example if a child is brought up on a council estate in poor housing they are more likely to have health problems. If parents are not working or have low income jobs they are likely to buy cheaper food and usually this means lower quality which can lead to health problems. Children and their families may have lower expectations. They might settle for the life that id mapped out. If a child lives in high rise flats or appartments they have less oppportunities to play. In poor quality housing there may not be a garden or safe playing area. This is reducing the childs opportunities to develop their physical gross motor skills. This of course is not always the case
This factor is responsible for a long list of things that can be taken for granted such as height, weight gain, development of muscles and structures within the brain. A good example is the way in which this factor is linked to speech: the growth of teeth in the jaw makes a difference to speech production and the ability to eat.
* They begin in some instances to feed themselves, though lacking the needed coordination, resulting in a lot of mess.
Their family/Home circumstances are a factor that may cause affect to their development. The condition of a child’s home environment is an important aspect of how they progress. If a child lives in an environment that is overcrowded or is too loud, it can negatively impact their personality. Too many members living in the same house can reduce the time you spend with your child, as you will be busy with others in the house. The child may therefore find other ways to keep busy and distance themselves from their home. Not having a positive relationship with their parents/carers can also affect their development. If a child feels they cannot confide in their parents/carers they may experience social problems including, withdrawal, loneliness,
According to Merriam-Webster, psychology is “the study of the human mind and its functions”. With psychology, we are able to understand and predict human behavior and overall understand how we think and process the world around us. In this research paper we will be discussing the most known theories of a specific branch of psychology, child development, then I will explain which theory of all I believe is right and why. Developmental psychology is the scientific study how and why human beings change over the course of their life. We will be discussing the following theories: Developmental Milestone, Cognitive Stages, Psychosocial Stages, and Psychosexual Stages, and Moral stages. Before we dive in we
The external factors influencing a child’s development include their immediate environment, i.e. their family and their circumstances at home, their socioeconomic background and the education they receive from institutions or their family.
Learning to play and create fun activities for a child is important factor in building their development of their speech, language and communication. Speech and language is not something that is natural to everyone, it needs encouraging, for example if a child is playing with a certain object tell the child what the toy is encourage them to repeat back to you, use role play and join in as this is a good way of encouraging speech and communication skills. Books are brilliant for communication and speech for very young children, you can get books that make sounds or touch and feel books and you can encourage them to tell you what noises are in the book, or what it feels like, therefore encouraging communication. Nursery rhymes are also good for
When children experience a traumatic event, not only does it affect their emotions but it can affect many areas of development if not all of them. Equally, health and learning difficulties can also have a less desirable effect on holistic development. By looking at how such factors can affect child development, we can work towards finding a suitable learning method and helping children overcome and recover from their experiences.
While doing the laundry, you find a condom in the pocket of your son’s jeans
As you begin this module, identify and write a short account of your aims and aspirations. Elaborate on the strengths and personal qualities, which you bring to this module and outline those areas where you hope your learning and development will occur. (300 words)
Describe the expected pattern of children and young people's development from birth to 19 years, to include:
There are many different variations of language, language that is seen, such as sign language, body language and written language, then there is the language that is heard, such as people speaking. There are over 7,000 spoken languages in the world alone without taking into consideration nonverbal languages. For adults and children alike, this can be overwhelming because in each language there are different behaviour patterns, different registers, different age groups and what is acceptable in one language may not be considered acceptable in another such as how close is too close to stand to someone else. For children who come from families whose first language is not English, this is even more difficult when trying to live somewhere that doesn’t predominately speak their first language, which is just one of the many differences people have to be aware of when considering diversity. This essay will examine the different environmental and circumstantial factors that may influence the development of children and the role that language can play in their lives as they grow, such as what and who children are exposed to, positive and negative influences such as adults and other children and the lifelong impact these surroundings have on the child.
Prior to the early 20th century little interest was paid to how a child developed; indeed most early research appears to be based on abnormal childhood behaviour (Oates et al. 2005). However, over time researchers began to acknowledge that both genetics and environment factors impacted on the way a child developed. Although there are many theories of child development, in particular constructivism, behaviourism, social constructivism and social learning have influenced developmental psychology enormously (Oates et al. 2005).
The principles, sequences and stages of a child 's growth and development. This includes Social development, Physical Development, Intellectual development and communication development. Physical development outlines the basic body changes which you begin to develop such as fine motor skills, which is like writing and so on. This also includes social development, where you will meet new people everyday and interact with them, and become more involved in the relationships you will share with others. Emotional development where you will be understanding and learning how to express your feelings and emotions that you 're experiencing. Intellectual development also known as cognitive where you begin understanding and learning of new things around you. Communication development where you will develop your speech skills and learn how to let others take their turn to speak and voice their opinions.