Recently, I was asked to write about a time when I failed to effectively communicate. I have failed to do so in many situations when I was younger, but those times are nothing compared to my worst miscommunication ever! In this case, I failed to effectively communicate with my parents. As a result, I was in deep trouble. It all started on a warm summer evening about two weeks before school was to start. I wouldn’t normally be excited for school, however, this year was my senior year and was pumped for it. Some friends and I decided to hang out that evening. We all knew we couldn’t spend the night because one of my friends, Garrett, had soccer practice in the morning. Since I wasn’t staying the night there, I told my Dad that I would be at his house by eleven o’clock. This was the original plan and I didn’t think it would change. Later in the evening, Garrett discovered he actually didn’t have soccer practice as early as he originally thought. His practice wasn’t to start until one o’clock. With this new information, we all decided to spend the night at his house. The only problem was I forgot to tell my Dad of our decision to stay the night, at least until later. It was about 11:30 when I finally realized I needed to let him know of my new decision to stay the night. Unfortunately, my phone died and I had to use my friend’s phone to text him. The problem was the text I sent was from a random number, which he did not recognize. The text I sent my Dad said. Hey Dad, I
It is important for both sides to communicate effectively so that it can make sure that information will be shared in a clear way to help achieve the best possible outcomes. To communicate effectively, people have to discuss all options and ensure everyone’s opinion is considered, so that it shows respect and everyone’s opinion counts.
I called my dad aand asked him to pick me up at the middle school entrance. On the phone, my dad said,"okay". "Thanks," I told my dad on the phone. I gaved Ethan his phone back, and I started walking to the middle school entrance.
Communication is crucial in relationships between people, because it transfers information or thoughts to help them to be on the same page or get to know each other. However, all kinds of communication are not effective. People need to learn how to productively communicate to get the best understanding. Animals can communicate, but humans have a better communication system and I do believe this is one of the reasons why humans are at the highest level of the animal kingdom. Therefore, humans can owe their success as the apex species to the ability to extensively and efficiently communicate with one another. From this, we can see the importance of the communication, which is very important in all places like hospitals. When the health professional has to deliver bad news to patients or patients’ families, they try to use the best method to relieve the sadness and shock. In the journal, “Strategies to ensure effective and empathetic delivery of bad news,” Carole Palmer discusses about delivering bad news to patients with lung cancer or mesothelioma at diagnosis.
Communication is an important aspect of life, that people use in some form every day. There are many forms, channels, and arenas of communication. Communication is very important in the field of education. Students learn and practice how to communicate, teachers communicate with administrators on policies and with students parents through conferences, phone calls, and emails, and teachers communicate lessons to the students. Communication is the ground work and basis of understanding other people and being able to get along with others and is an important skill practiced throughout life, but is mostly taught and learned in school. Technology is a form of communication that is being more widely used in education, starting in elementary schools. Young students are being introduced to tablets, Smart Boards, and computers in early grades. While it is important for students to understand how technology works, in this day and age, it is also important for them to learn how to properly communicate with others in person. Though there are many advantages to technology in schools, it also affects students communication skills.
The plan was for my mom to get home from her trip, unpack and repack her clothes then relax a little till I came home from school and then we would be on our way; to what I expected to be the best weekend. My mom and I toured the city like it was our first time there ever; like we didn’t live and hour away. We were having out dinner reminiscing about what a wonderful day we had. All until we were interrupted by a phone call from my dad. My mom was still joking and in a senseless mood when she started talking to my dad. Suddenly
Communicative competence identifies other factors of effective communication like Discourse competence, where language is altered to fit the sociocultural environment, and strategic competence involving identifying the best modality to use and using techniques like repeating back a question you have been asked to allow yourself time to think (Celce-Murcia, 1995), which provide a more practical application for students.
The significance of communication is proven since the beginning of life on this universe. It is not only a mere concept but a complete system in itself which today we find being supported by various gadgets too. It is such a broader word that despite several debates, still there is no agreed upon statement that comprehensively defines what Communication actually is. Even having a close look at the two definitions "Communication is the transmission information" or "Communication is the verbal interchange of a thought or idea"(Littlejohn & Foss, 2008, p.3) reveals that it revolves around exchange of opinion from one person to another. With the passage of time, various dimensions of communication have been explored and a number of communication theories have evolved.
Woke up, got out of bed enthusiastically knowing it was Friday, and wanting my weekend to start as soon as possible. In school I met up with my friends “Hey, Luis wanna go to a party tonight?” … “I’m not sure my mom would let me, but I’ll try” I said. At the end of the day I headed home, hoping my mom would let me go to the party. I thought of bribing her in order to persuade her in letting me go. Maybe sneaking out at night if she didn’t let. But knowing how much she trusted me I knew she would approve.
There are many ramifications for the word “Communication”. It is important for every living beings, as they use their own specific mode or language to communicate with each other. It is a process of interaction with people and their environment. Through such interactions two or more people convey their beliefs, ideas, thoughts and attitude with each other. These interactions occur through the exchange of information via gestures, words, symbols, signs and expressions. Communication can be verbal or nonverbal. Verbal communication is utilization of language and words for interaction between two or more individuals and it can be either oral or written. Nonverbal communication occurs without usage of words and can be done through gestures, facial expressions and body language. Communication help people relate, interact, understand, believe and get connected to others.
How does technology really affect how alone we feel? Technology includes all keys to ensure we are occupied and never lonely. “Technology has provided us with even more creative ways to occupy our time” (L. DeLeo). These are continuous occupiers, such as; apps, articles, news, etc. Which help people all around the world to keep in touch with everyone and everything. Technology is good for us, as it entertains us in endless ways, provides communication towards peers/relationships over long distances, and allows for easy access to face to face communication.
The significance of this ethical dilemma shows the vulnerability of the patient and how this language barrier may have unconsciously served as a manipulating tool of persuading the patient to have the therapeutic procedure. Thence, perpetuating the existing power relation differences between the patient and nurse relationship. The language barrier does not provide an excuse for not advocating a patient’s access to quality nursing care and for social justice as a human right. I have the moral obligation in recognising and ensuring that my patients have the knowledge and skills to make free and informed decisions. Therefore, developing skills to communicate with patients who speak in other languages other than English is pertinent for nurses as it ensures that patients with the legal capacity and sound mind have the right to be autonomous, make self-determined decisions and not out of mere compliance.
Communication is extremely important in today’s excessively interconnected world. Cross culture communication no matter the stage or medium is extremely important. With communication on many levels being so important we must overcome all the challenges that present. With globalization becoming more pronounced we must always consider the cultural significance of our communications. France offers the perfect outside cultural reference for how Western Europe experiences these issues. According to the French government, French is the sixth most common language in the world, and with France at one time being a colonial superpower, French culture has influenced a large portion of the world ("The status of French in the world", 2017). When speaking especially in a public medium you don’t want your message to fall flat so understanding varying cultures is a must and French culture is no different. In our need to be understood and respected we always put our own culture first. In the United States, we have marginalized French culture even in areas where French surnames and culture are familiar (Green, 2009 p. 327). Personally, I love the French language and culture and find it immensely interesting. I took 7 years of French language and culture classes, so this is an interesting topic for research. Surprisingly, it was a difficult area to research, and I ended up using my coworkers for great and helpful information. Some background information I can give off hand is that similar to
Communication. Most people agree that English is the globally recognized language for use within the international business. However, this is not always true if one takes in additional changes within the balance of economic power and the increasing mobility of the global workforce. Modern technology and shifts in national policy are common factors that influence the way English is used and taught. With the growth of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) economies, the balance of power has changed, and the economic primacy of the countries where English is a native language can no longer be taken for granted (Graddol, 2006). Combined with the number of native English speakers are falling in absolute terms, soon to fall into fifth place behind Mandarin, Spanish, Hindi-Urdu, and Arabic (Sweeney & Hua, 2010). Although numbers of non-native speakers of English are increasing, Sweeney & Hua (2010) estimates that about a quarter of the world’s population speaks English to a reasonable standard; by the year twenty-sixty, he estimates that non-native speakers will outnumber native speakers by fifty percent. However, its position and its nature could be the key is preparing to learn how to use different methods for communicating differences and differentiating between what are the standard aspects. What we considered acceptable or unacceptable within the culture. These issues can become a pure culture shock among managers, subordinates, and customers of foreign countries.
“Communication must be HOT. That is; Honest, Open, and Two-way.” These words of Dan Oswald perfectly describe how successful communication should function. In today’s world, people are not always honest when communicating with their peers. Most of them are not honest and open because they are afraid of being judged, or they do not want to hurt the other person’s feelings. For an example, the recent presidential election. I knew of people favoring president Trump and were afraid to tell their friends and family because they did not want to be judged or having their friends or families leaving them for their personal opinion. In a way, when having a discussion with peers one should not be freighted to say what they believe in. A failure in communication occurs when someone is not honest to others and letting others know how they feel about any subjects. My personal experience from this was when I was not honest to my friend, Zoey, how she was treating me. I failed to be honest and open and that led to mistreatment and an unhappy friendship. From this experience, I learned to always be honest and open when I am communicating with others at all times.
Deaf and hard of hearing (HH) patients often experience difficulty in communicating and understanding medication information provided by pharmacists due to communication barriers. They tend to nod “yes” and pretend to have understood pharmacists’ explanations and thus do not ask them to repeat their statements (Ferguson & Liu, 2015 ; Ralston, Zazove, & Gorenflo, 1996). It was reported that only 30% of pharmacists feel comfortable interacting with deaf patients (Ferguson and Shan). Inadequate communication in medical settings and a lack of understanding about medication can lead to misdiagnosis and misunderstandings. Therefore, it is crucial for pharmacists to check that deaf patients understand how to take their prescribed medicines and are aware of any adverse events to ensure a safe and effective healthcare (Ferguson & Shan, in press).