
The Importance Of Competence In Physical Education

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As students advance through primary and secondary physical education, perceive competence will influence their intrinsic motivation towards engagement. In a traditional sports unit, students that have low capability will struggle. Furthermore, students that are low skilled alienate themselves from their peers. One of SHAPES essential standards is that “students need to understand the concepts of fitness and health that will lead to a lifelong appreciation of healthful behavior.” How can teachers devise a lesson regardless of skill, that will benefit students, affective, cognitive and psychomotor as a whole irrespective of ability?
Nicholls' theory (1984) emphasizes that competence is a crucial element influencing the motivational process; notably, capability drives physical activity.
Perceived competence is the regulatory system that operates motivation. When students engage in physical activity voluntarily without the demand stimuli; this is known as intrinsic motivation. In general, intrinsically motivated students will participate in physical activity for the pleasure and gratification (Deci, 1975).
Furthermore, motivational regulations can influence engagement in physical activity.

An enthusiastic person participation in a task is known as engagement. (Reeve, 2004). The common extrinsic motivations for young athletes in physical education are peer interaction, competition, and skill development. There is room to believe that extrinsically motivated

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