
The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence In Education

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From an early age we are expected to attend school for five days a week. We are expected to learn and be trained to achieve higher and score highly on standardized tests and on SAT scores. However, schools fail to educate students about the world and even ourselves. Each day we are taught the importance of going to school to get a good job. The education system has also failed to teach students how to deal with mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Emotional intelligence is the ability to be aware of and control one’s emotions and handle interpersonal relationships. High schools can develop social and emotional programs for students to improve their behaviors, communications, and relationships. Emotional intelligence is important in society for everyday decisions and getting along with others. In modern day, it's important that high school students are academically prepared to attend college for their future careers. When students are not prepared the effects and risks are high. Some students may experience high levels of unemployment, lower earnings, and increased health problems. These factors can be linked to why some student withdraw from school and gain mental problems (Parker 2004). Some questions that may surface when in the process of withdrawing from school are whether or not students were prepared. According to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that every child has the right to an education that develops their mental and

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