
The Importance Of Outdoor Education

Decent Essays


Outdoor activities can have effects on different groups of people in several ways. Armour and Sanford (2013) talked about how outdoor education helps with the positive development of younger children. Whilst Cooley (2014) says how outdoor education has positive effects on students in higher education and how group work can be developed through outdoor education (2015)

My portfolio is going to reflect on the experience I gained from my trip to the Priestley Centre and I will talk about how my experience from this residential can be used in the future for different activities I may take part in. To start with I am going to talk about group work and group dynamics by going into detail on Tuckman and Jenson’s (1977) forming, storming, norming and performing theory and the stages of group development. I will then proceed to talk about learning styles and theories as well as teaching styles and how these can be used within outdoor education, talking more specifically about Kolb’s Learning Cycle (1984) and Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles (1990). Moving on to talk about communication and how this plays a huge role in outdoor activities, this will more specifically focus on the Johari Window (1955). And then finally on leadership theories and how these affect outdoor education and group work, relating this to Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership theory (1993).


One of the theories used in outdoor education is Tuckman and Jenson’s (1977)

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