
The Importance Of Related Anxiety

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Example 1: Implement a Practice New to Temple East Northeastern Hospital Chemotherapy Infusion Center- The Use of Psychoeducational Intervention of Progressive Relaxation to Help in the Prevention and Management of Cancer-related Anxiety
Patients diagnosed with cancer experience anxiety for multiple reasons and at different stages of their illness. Anxiety occurs while awaiting the actual cancer diagnosis and continues throughout cancer treatment. Many patient’s anxieties stem from the fear of the progression of the disease and the reality of death. This added stress and anxiety can affect the patient’s daily life. All health care providers have the responsibility to assess and screen all patients for depression and anxiety. It is only …show more content…

Progressive muscle relaxation was first developed by American physician Edmund Jacobson in 1938 and since then has been adapted and utilized by many different disciplines. Progressive relaxation is an intervention that integrates breathing techniques, along with alternating tensing and relaxing various muscle groups to assist a patient in managing anxiety (Jacobson, 1938). The sequencing of the relaxation techniques can start either at the head or at the feet and isolate one side of the body or focus on the body as a whole. The nurse can provide verbal guided imaging during the session, or a pre-recorded audio can be implemented (Chan, Richardson, & Richardson, 2011).
Results of the Questionnaire A qualitative study was performed using six oncology patients. Upon arrival to Dawn’s oncology department, each patient was given the GAD-7 questionnaire. According to the patient’s answer to the questions, the patient was categorized as having mild, moderate or severe anxiety. One patient had mild anxiety, four patients had moderate anxiety, and one patient had severe anxiety. Next, progressive relaxation techniques were provided to each patient. Finally, the GAD-7 questionnaire again was filled out by the patient according to their present state of anxiety and the results proved that the progressive relaxation intervention helped in the management of cancer-related anxiety. Five patients stated they felt extremely relaxed and no longer felt anxious. The patient who had

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