
The Is An Old Wine? New Bottles : An Extension Of Positive Psychology Research? Essay

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Some have argued that the positive movement is “an old wine in new bottles” because of the risk of stigmatizing employees who are struggling with negative emotions (Fineman, 2006), and that interventions fundamentally focused on individual issues rather than organizational issues (Hackman, 2009). On the other hand, Avey, Luthans, & Youssef, (2010) assert that POB is not an old wine in new bottles as claimed, but rather a new shift of perspective in a changing environment. The POB has emerged as an extension of positive psychology research to the workplace (Youssef-Morgan, 2014). Whereas, Van de Ven & Sun (2011) argue that change is an ongoing process that will never stop for an organization. PsyCap has expanded more because it offers different approaches for enhancing workplace positivity with high returns on investment, and employers find it appealing because it combines the “feel good” motivation impact in a typical training with the bottom line (Youssef-Morgan, 2014).

On the personal level, I believe that negativity is toxic and unproductive. Therefore, one should realize when slipping into negativity and look for other alternative solutions for the problem that caused this situation, and most importantly to try be calm and focused rather than allowing negative emotion to take over. Cameron (2008) indicated that negativity can lead to positive change, and that negative feedback makes people pay more attention than positive feedback, and negative events have more impact

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