
The Manager Of The Riverdale Art Walk

Decent Essays

This week was met with a change of pace. I arrived at placement ready to work on submissions and rearrange the office with an artist member in studio. The manager of the Riverdale Art Walk [RAW] and a member on the Board of Directors arrived unexpectedly to examine the office. There was definitely some tension between the artist and board. The artist was upset that the two came by with no notice critiquing everything, especially because they never offered to help. Furthermore, they are self-employed and thus not accustomed to working in a team setting. Evidently, there was miscommunication between members of the organization (the Network) and the Board of Directors on a hierarchical basis. Later, she shared her concerns with the manager of RAW, as she felt she was easier to communicate with.

Afterwards, they inquired about the assignments I’ve been working on while my LSS was away. Evidently, they told me to stop what I’m doing because it’s a waste of time. I agreed and disliked how tedious it was at time. They reassured me that there was plenty of important work to be done. Again, there is a lack of communication between the Board and Administration (LSS). In particular, I was assigned the task of creating an array of templates and newsletters on MailChimp. The Artists’ Network newsletters are full of so much text and little to no graphics; though, as an art organization they should be promoting the artist members artwork in these newsletters. With permission from the

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