
The Negative Effects Of Technology

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Today, about 9 in 10 Americans use the Internet and 77% of Americans own a smartphone. Compare these statistics to the early 2000s when 5 in 10 Americans were online and in 2011, when only 35% of Americans owned a smartphone. Just a few decades ago, the technology we have today were merely ideas in science fiction novels or gadgets seen in a futuristic movie. There is no doubt that technology use has increased dramatically within this decade and these numbers may continue to rise as technology becomes more available to the public. Technology is slowly taking over our life and so many people have grown up surrounded by technology that a life without it is pretty much unimaginable. As technology becomes a bigger part of our daily lives, we …show more content…

To describe the results from a report by the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education, the text states, “… technology- when implemented properly- can produce significant gains in student achievement and boost engagement, particularly among students most at risk” (Staff 1). When technology is used the right way, like in a blended environment where both teachers and technology help support a student’s education, it can help make a big difference in their learning. Using technology for teaching purposes can guide students’ learning by interacting with the material rather than just memorizing facts. Technology helps people access a variety of different ideas in a matter of seconds, but this causes people to rely on the Internet for every little problem. Technology is also a great tool for education but it can be difficult for students in poverty stricken schools to have the technology they need. Despite its benefits, technology is overwhelmingly harmful because it has a negative impact on mental and physical health. Susan Greenfield’s article, “Modern technology is Changing the Way our Brains Work, says Neuroscientist” analyzes how drugs and gadgets are changing and hurting our brains. When Greenfield details the effects technology has on the brain, she writes “It’s pretty clear that the screen-based, two dimensional world that so many teenagers- and a

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