
The Network : A Transformational Shift

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Heart of the Matter

Ready or not, today’s large IT organizations are undergoing a transformational shift, moving from an operational focus to becoming enablers of business innovation. Increasingly tasked with delivering high-quality services that enable the business to grow on demand and in the most cost effective way, CFOs should redefine success from simply on-time, on-budget delivery of IT projects to continuously providing value to the business.The networking world in the last decade has seen huge advancement in the devices that we use for the access of the networks, applications and services that we have become so dependent on. But the underlying network has not seen any change in the same time frame.

SDN & NFV represent the …show more content…

Importance of the Big Data solution increases with the growth of the Business. SDN implementation assists in the management of this type of Data. SDN offers intelligent network solutions for big data analytics. A few more factors assisting this growth are Accelerated Cloud based solutions, Increasing Mobility, Adoption of BYOD in an extensive scale and most importantly the Cost Benefits.

Different Sectors of the work force who are heavily reliant on the networks for their core operation like the Banking, telecom, media, healthcare etc. are finding SDN as a solution to reduce their CAPEX and OPEX. SDN enhances the integration, management, and analysis of big data.

Market growth is seen and expected in all zones with Americas leading the way with a 63-65% share of the global SDN/NFV market. The high demand for network Virtualization in the region is leading to the high SDN/NFV deployment. The main sectors that adopt the technology in the Americas are Data Center Storage, Service Providers, and IT Services

CFOs as Innovation Champions CFOs can help CIOs lead this innovation
Innovative cultures take vital cues from finance departments that don’t get in the way. Encouraging and investing in innovation requires a different way of thinking and a rethinking of standard metrics.
In today’s fast paced and constantly changing

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