
The Pharyngitis (GAS) Or Acute Pharyngitis?

Decent Essays

Pharyngitis (a sore throat) is considered to be an infection of the back of the throat which include the tonsils and is caused by streptococcal (Fine, Nizet, & Mandl, 2013). During the winter months, more than 12 million people are seen in the ED complaining of a sore throat (Fine, Nizet, & Mandl, 2013). The pharyngitis can be caused by group A streptococcal (GAS) or acute pharyngitis (viral). The symptoms of streptococcal and viral pharyngitis are so similarity that the two cannot be differentiated by their clinical signs and symptom. An adequate distinction should be made between the two according to the American College of Physicians and Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and clinical scores were applied to classify risk for GAS

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