
The Physics Of Swimming Is Science

Decent Essays

Freestyle Stroke Essay

Swimming is science. When a person swims, they are displacing water. In Ancient Greek times, a physicist named Archimedes discovered the principle of buoyancy. Archimedes Principle states that an object in gravity applies a force, or a buoyancy, to whatever it is surrounded in. When a person submerges him or herself in water, the water levels will rise. The density of a person or object determines if its floatation. If an object is more dense than the water, it will sink. On the contrary, an object lighter than water will float. There are various styles or strokes including breaststroke, freestyle, and more. Freestyle swimming consists of many components that combine to efficiently swim. Physics is a subtle yet …show more content…

The head is important. If the head is pressed down, the lower body will stay afloat. In our first few days, our class practiced 6’ foot and 9’ vessels. We had a small competition that checked to see which person could glide the furthest. The typical goals for the vessel competitions were 4 feet and 4.5 feet. This taught our class how to properly use our body in the freestyle stroke to eliminate drag. Another lesson we learned was to swim with high elbows. The pull of the water causes a lot of frontal drag and keeping closer to the water surface reduced the amount of drag. This was another way to reduce drag.

Lower body movement is essential. Propulsion off of the wall could easily kick start swimming. The stronger the push, the better. From there, a swimmer could start kicking. The first kick we learned was the flutter kick, probably the most basic kick in swimming. With straight legs, move the legs up and down alternatively. It requires the movement of hips, legs, and feet. Next, we learned about dolphin kicks. This kick requires one to move their whole body like a wave. While streamlining, press the chest down then release. As the chest rises, thrust the hips down with the legs following. The legs must be tightly pressed together, knees should be slightly bent as the hips sink, and feet must be pointed. As the lower body rises and the upper body dips, straighten the knees to push through the water. Both kicks effectively propel a person

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