
The Positive And Negative Aspects Of The Influence Of Branding

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To say brand communities are selective is an understatement itself. They place their emphasis more on symbolism than substance. Therefore, the importance of branding is a critical component used by marketers to leverage and lure consumers towards building a cohesive identity (Solomon et al.,2016). A visible brand identity, brings about a set of positive and negative aspects of brand communities for marketers. These communities have the capacity to resurrect and/or promote the brand. Having a loyal base has its pros and cons, especially for marketers who need to handle issues posed, delicately and competently to avoid any damages to the brand’s image and influence. An effective product positioning strategy is heavily relied by brands to establish their brand position and differentiate itself, producing a strong competitive advantage. This exclusivity would increase sales and strengthen the long-term position of the brand (Clow and Baack,2014).
2.Branding’s Relevance A distinctive brand-identity is relevant, differentiated and well-esteemed which influences consumers’ perception. Brand’s respect stems from establishing a positive connection, resulting in a strong brand equity. This allows brands to attain consumers’ loyalty, commercial success, product awareness, power and value universally (Kotler and Armstrong, 2014). Upkeeping an image consistent over the years is built upon a set of associative networks which foster strong relations and satisfaction (Whalley,2010).

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