
The Pros And Cons Of Customer Satisfaction

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Customers perceive service in terms of tone, but how satisfied they are with the overall experience, is what defines their satisfaction. Whether the client is satisfied after purchase depends on the offer’s performance or the customer service in this case, in relation to the customer expectations. Yet, according to Zeithaml et al (2006) although service quality and client satisfaction are used interchangeably, there is indeed a distinction.
Customer Satisfaction is when the outcome of the service matches the expectations of the service. As pointed out by Looy et al (2003), even though they differ one is a part of the other. Zeithaml et al (2003) defines it as the customer’s evaluation of a ware or service in terms of whether the product or service has satisfied …show more content…

That is flexibility of working hours of the service provider, method of contact, and waiting time.
Communication - addresses how information is transmitted and received from customers among others, it entails empathetic listening, the use if common language, explanation of the service, its advantages and disadvantages.
Competence – it deals with the level of skills and knowledge of the service provider
Courtesy - it is indicated by friendliness and politeness of service provider(s).
Credibility - it is the trust that customers repose in the organisation and the staff providing the service.
Reliability - it implies the consistent performance or rendering of the right service at the right time, done right the first time.
Responsiveness - willingness and readiness of employees to provide immediate service.
Security - absence of danger, doubt and risk. It implies physical safety and confidentiality.
Tangibles - is the evidence that the service and the organisation are credible and trustworthy.
Understanding - refers to how well the organisation understands the expectations of its customers in their feeling about services being

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