
The Pros And Cons Of Photocopiers

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The 21st century has in many ways been defined as the century of innovation, especially in the emergent field of technology, and science has been an essential contributor to this. Electricity has been an important factor to invention. Static electricity is a form of electricity that has enabled the creation of printers, spray paint, pollutant removers and photocopiers. In this essay, I will discuss static electricity, photocopiers, and how they play a role in the speed of mass-production. I will also illustrate the photocopier’s advantages and disadvantages, and its implication for society.

The well -known phrase “opposites attract” is derived from physics and polarity. Everything that surrounds us is made of atoms, which are composed of …show more content…

Photocopiers entertain built-in hard drives that are comprised of confidential project information. Even if one gets a private area to copy confidential documents, the documents remain stored in the photocopier (fig 6). Therefore it is necessary to decommission the copier and clear the hard drive before someone else uses it, so that the previous information cannot be accessed .
Photocopiers play a role, even if indirectly, in impacting the environment. We are increasingly living in an era of pollution and scarcity of fundamental resources. One of these important and overused resources are trees. The paper making process places burden on some of our most important natural resources, as the production of paper uses large amounts of energy and water. The photocopying process also uses chemicals, such as chlorine, , which can cause damage to the environment. In addition, The United Nations Environment Programed (UNEP), has stated that paper in landfills can produce toxic greenhouse gases such as methane, which traps up to 21 times more heat than carbon dioxide . To reduce some of this negative impact, double-sided printing was introduced; it consumes less paper and waste, double-sided printing is more environmentally friendly and economically sound. It also speeds up the mass-producing

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