
The Pros And Consequences Of Sexual Violence

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Sexual violence is ΄any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise directed, against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting, including but not limited to home and work’ (WHO, 2002:149).
Sexual violence is a worldwide phenomenon. Available data shows that one in four women may experience a form of sexual violence by a partner and one-third of teenage girl report that their first sexual experience was by force (WHO, 2002:149). Sexual assault not only causes a physical injury but also is associated with mental health trauma. The mental trauma caused by the sexual assault can be as serious as the physical trauma (WHO, 2002:149). Suicide, HIV infection and, murder (during the attack or later as a murder of honor) are some of the results from the sexual violence (WHO,2002:149). Also, the sexual assault can change the social image of the victim because of the stigmatization and be on the sidelines (WHO,2002:149).
According to Walby et. al, (2015:11) rape is a form of gender-based violence against woman. Rape can have long-lasting consequences, that’s why rape is one of the most serious gender-based violence against woman. Rape can have several different definitions depending on national or international context (Walby, 2015:11). Moreover, definitions of rape vary when the offense takes place in a conflict zone (Walby,

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