
The Randomized Controlled Trial

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4.3 Discussion

Both of two examples above have advantages and disadvantages. In terms of the randomized controlled trial, the researcher used controlled group and experiment group to explore the causality. The results of the experiment tend to contribute to the experimental stimulus. Increasing physical activities was associated with a decreasing incidence of diabetes among people who are at high risk in the illness of diabetes. Furthermore, if it uses the large-scale sample, the same experimental conditions could be tested again using more advanced statistical instruments. Therefore, we could build our confidence about the validity, reliability and generalizability in the future researches. However, it remains shortcomings in the …show more content…

Both of approaches have pros and cons, it is difficult to decide which research approach is appropriate for a specific research task. Excepting the selection of methods, the background information and the subjective consciousness of participants are main aspects to decide the quality of a given piece of research. Researchers should seriously consider the specific situation of the research. Meanwhile, researchers should synthesize the advantages between quantitative and qualitative research so as to effectively achieve the research aim by a mixed methodology.


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