
The Role Of Skills And Competencies For Today 's Professional Manager

Decent Essays

What is the role of skills and competencies for today’s professional manager in making a positive difference to their career?

In this business world, skilled mangers play a vital role even they are the base of business. Without them any industry cannot survive. It means they need to develop their skills with passes of time especially in this fast growing world. There are some skills and competencies which are considered as important for modern managers to make a positive difference to their careers: motivational power, leadership skill, servant leadership, authentic leadership and communication skill.
To commence with, first essential skill for modern managers is the motivational power. Mohamed (2014) argued that if manager motivate and give feedback all the employees during their work then they will achieve their goal within time limits. This motivation encourage them to put more efforts into their work. The author describe motivational power into two theories: McClelland’s acquired needs theory and Expectancy theory. The formal theory include individual’s needs that are achievement, affiliation and power. According to author, managers with strong power of need are more successful than others. The later theory is quite simple it include five steps: expectation, valuable work, doable work, regular feedback and rewards. This theory is more practical and gives better result. Moreover, this helps to identify suitable task for each employee. The second important skill is

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