
The Roles Of Licensing And Credentialing

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Intended Role of Licensing and Credentialing Healthcare professionals display their licensing, certifications, diplomas (e.g., credentials) on their office walls as evidence of their qualification to provide quality of patient care and/ organizational leadership. State and federal government agencies establish operating standards and, grant licensure to professionals who have attained applicable expertise as required by government mandates (Bowblis & Lucas, 2012). Health organizations often encourage members to attain certifications as a prerequisite to licensure or as an alternative. Educational requirements are often a precursor to obtaining certification and licensure; however, being credentialed is not a guarantee of an individual’s qualification to effectively provide patient care. The ultimate purpose of credentialing in health care (e.g., licensure, certification, and education) is to promote the provision of effective and efficient quality in patient care (Reif, Torres, Horgan & Merrick, 2012). Intended Role of Self-regulation in Relation to Licensing and Credentialing State regulations are strict and very specific with no flexibility. In contrast, self-regulation is more beneficial to the U.S. economy because of built-in flexibility. Facilitated by industry experts, self-regulation methodologies identify “best practices” from which processes and procedures are developed into industry guidelines that protect consumers (Collier, 2012). Flexibility and adaptability

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