
The Theme Of My Trip To Adele

Decent Essays

If Adele’s songs were to write a book, then My Trip to Adele would be an accurate fiction portrayal of it by A.I. Alyaseer and R.I. Alyaseer. It talks about not just one, but three stories, each with its own characters, plot, and themes. The stories are written alternately, in which the reader must juggle three stories while reading the book, anticipating the development of each story at the same time. The title of the book could have included a different name, but it reflects the authors’ love and appreciation for the singer and songwriter Adele.

The first story talks about the journey of Elias to find his long lost love Malika. Driven by his enduring love for Malika and his faith with a fortune teller, he travels back from Italy to Morocco where they had fell in love eight years ago. He continues to reminisce the past as he scrambles through superstition, poverty, and prostitution. …show more content…

This couple in the US seeks the advice of a marriage counselor, hoping to rekindle the love that they have lost over the years. Will they ever work it all out in the end, despite their demanding work and suffocation in their marriage, as well as differences in their religious beliefs?

The third shows the struggle of Nadia, a divorced mother from Jordan. She strives to provide for her son, Waleed, while she deals with her request for an unpaid leave in her job and a lawsuit against her divorced husband. In the face of corporate slavery, adultery, clan feud, and sexist traditions, she shows the world that she will not back down easily, especially for the sake of her son.

I like how the authors describe the settings without bogging down with too much details. It becomes easy to be absorbed in the stories (at least in the first one) with their vivid descriptions. I enjoy the good adventure and occasional laughs of the

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