
The Theory Of Deconstruction And Its Impact On Postmodern Architecture

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Through The Wexner Center to Analysis Deconstructionism

1. Deconstructionism
Deconstructionism developed in late 1980s by postmodern architecture. The core theory is deconstruction that eliminates construction then forms it together in different way. The first time of deconstruction speak of was Jacques Derrida in 1920s, after that a lot of architect influenced by him, like Peter Eisenman who designed The Wexner Center in OSU. Deconstruction is the critical of stands on modernist orthodoxy principles. It uses modernism vocabulary, but reversed and reform construction of the relationship between the various and vocabularies. It also negated the traditional basic design principles (aesthetics, mechanics, function) in the logical, then process a new meaning of the style of architecture. With the idea of decomposition, emphasizing the broken and overlay, restructuring, and attaches great importance to the individual and the widget itself, against the unity and create a fragmented and uncertainty feeling for the building. In the essence, the deconstruction is not as popular as the Russia 's structuralism in 1920’s, the Dutch style in 1918-1928, or the German Bauhaus design academic style in 1919-1933. Those styles become the source of a movement with no more modernism, internationalism design that decade of power control design on the trend. However, for deconstruction, it is still a kind of person, small-part experiment. It has more expressive and special personal

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