
The Un Millennium Summit : Eight Millennium Development Goals

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In 2000, the UN Millennium Summit created eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that aim to catalyze development in our world. A total of 193 countries and 23 international organizations agreed to participate and complete these goals by 2015. The MDGs encompass a total of fifteen targets that range from eradicating hunger and poverty to encouraging global partnership for development. Specifically, goal 7 aims to ensure environmental sustainability. One of the largest known and acknowledged problems in our world is that nonrenewable resources are both depleting and in many cases causing harmful environmental effects. Carbon dioxide emissions have increased by approximately 50% since 1990 and 24% of global diseases are attributed to environmental factors and pollutants. Industrialization tends to lead to a decrease in life expectancy due to increased amounts of exposer to harmful pollutants. However, the United Arab Emirates is one country that is taking careful strides to ensure that economic development does not become a burden on neither the environment nor its people. The UAE is currently one of the leading countries in creating innovated ways to reverse the loss of environmental resources. By finding alternative energy sources and implementing policies and regulations, the United Arab Emirates is effectively completing the Millennium Developmental Goal 7.A which aims to reverse the loss of environmental resources.
The United Arab Emirates is a part of western Asia

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