
The Vision And Values Of Hhi Essay

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Overtime, HHI has evolved into a large HSO that continues to satisfy the supports needed within the community. HHI employees 1,200 individuals and serves approximately 5,000 participants daily (Horizon House, Inc., 2016). This HSO serves several populations, such as individuals who are homeless, those with behavioral health challenges, and individuals with mental and developmental disabilities. Today, HHI has taken Marcella’s goals from the 1950’s and enhanced her vision by creating a goal to help participants gain a better quality of life (Horizon House, Inc., 2016). The vision and values of HHI is shared among all staff through the various principles of transformational leadership.
The leadership within HHI incorporates the four principles of transformational leadership in the practical settings of the organization. For instance, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ensures that all Directors, Managers, and Direct Care Staff know and understand the vision and the purpose of the organization through idealized influence. HHI stands on acting in an ethical manner to ensure that all leaders are doing what is right for the organization, the staff, and those served (Northouse, 2016). In addition, each Director and Manager over the programs use inspirational motivation to ensure that their followers achieve the goals and objectives that are expected. For example, some programs have daily morning team meetings to provide encouragement and assistance before going out into the field.

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