
Thesis Of Plato's Cave

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‘Plato’s Cave’ is an allegory exhibiting the impact of education and the deficiency of it on our nature. As most metaphorical writing does, its two degrees of meanings--literary and allegorical--holds figurative or symbolic implications that one could vastly acquire information from. The allegory illustrates a dark cave, where people are chained, not able to move or turn around. There is a wall between them and the outside world, on which many other people move with different items, forming shadows. The shadows and the occasional sounds the people make are the only matters that the chained men could apprehend. But then, Plato hypothesizes, what if one man is released from the cave? A number of philosophical concepts are derived from this single question, namely the notion of truth. …show more content…

Though we could not deduce an absolute definition of truth as controversies among philosophers still rage on, there are four acclaimed ‘truth tests’ that we could use to recognize truth.
Unfortunately, these four truth tests often lead to errors. To put Plato’s allegory forward as proof, according to the correspondence truth test, the shadows cast by the objects should be real, as they are the only objects the chained people have seen and heard all their life. Their whole life experience is the proof. However, in reality, the shadows are not the truth, only mere shadows.
In case of the coherence truth test, though the chained people must have made the logic that the shadows must be true, as other pieces of information--such as that the shadows all looked authentic--indicated so, it also leads to misconceptions, prompting deceptions.
The consensus truth test is probably the most avoided. Back to the aforementioned example, the chained people must have reached a consensus that what they are perceiving is true. Nonetheless, this leads to a logical fallacy of ‘argumentum ad

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