
This Assignment Will Answer Two Interrelated Questions.

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This assignment will answer two interrelated questions. The first part will look at transitions, for example, temporal transitions across time, such as, a child 's growth development or evolving capacities. Also, spatial transitions, between spaces such as moving between specific locations or services. It will look at how transitions can affect the child and how law and policy can try to slow down some transitions. How practitioners need to understand the concept of transitions and the perspective of all involved to see how it can be applied and developed in practice (The Open University, 2016a). The second part will focus on new care setting using case studies for evidence. There are different types of care, kinship care where family …show more content…

However, children will develop values, diversity and resilience through the transition from a child, to teenager through to adulthood. Therefore, all these will assist in a child’s transition through their growing years, and help them cope with adversity and life skills. The Government have guidance for parents for children 's development transitions, such as, age to wean a child, and age milestones where children should be walking and talking. These age milestones are monitored as it may mean the child needs support if they are not being met. In addition, parental responsibility have a series of transitions towards the legal age of when a child transitions to an adult. However, some parents may be influenced by their own upbringing, social and cultural norms. All can influence when the parents help with the child transition if no legal age marker (The Open University, 2016a). From the findings, awareness of transitions is important to understand growth and development of children and young people, and the growth of a child for a parent is a delightful time, however, it can also be a difficult and frightening experience for the parents as they are transitioning as parents (Arai, L, 2011).

Although, through law and policy, sometimes they try to slow down or even prevent specific transitions in the interests of health, safety and well-being. Such as sexual relations with a minimum age of 16, smoking with a

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