
Tips For A Therapist Web Site Essay

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Review Therapist Web Hosts for Your Therapist Web Site

We are here to review website hosts as you consider if building a therapist web site is a project you should or need to undertake? It really does not matter if you are an out call therapist, have your own clinic or intend to do chair massage. You will need to utilize the internet to connect with your clientele.

Have you heard the saying what came first the Chicken or the Egg. Or the one that says do not put all your EGGS in ONE BASKET. How about don 't put the cart before the horse.

No one can tell you what came first the EGG or the CHICKEN. It is essential for a massage therapist to develop their own clientele and have an online presence. Publishing your own website is not putting the cart before the horse. Most importantly developing your own referral network is the best way to avoid putting all your EGGS in ONE BASKET.

Many websites struggle to find their way to the top of a search engines web page. Free websites do not provide the additional tools and training needed to achieve this vital goal. Take the time and spend some money on your website. Only you can decide what the right cost to earnings ratio is for you. FREE is good PROFITABLE is better.

Options 3 All-In-One Hosting from our article on Therapist Websites

Blue Host (set up to support templates)
Fat Cow (set up to support WordPress, phpBB, Joomla and more)
Siteground (supports WordPress, Joomla Services)
Site Build It

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