Review Therapist Web Hosts for Your Therapist Web Site
We are here to review website hosts as you consider if building a therapist web site is a project you should or need to undertake? It really does not matter if you are an out call therapist, have your own clinic or intend to do chair massage. You will need to utilize the internet to connect with your clientele.
Have you heard the saying what came first the Chicken or the Egg. Or the one that says do not put all your EGGS in ONE BASKET. How about don 't put the cart before the horse.
No one can tell you what came first the EGG or the CHICKEN. It is essential for a massage therapist to develop their own clientele and have an online presence. Publishing your own website is not putting the cart before the horse. Most importantly developing your own referral network is the best way to avoid putting all your EGGS in ONE BASKET.
Many websites struggle to find their way to the top of a search engines web page. Free websites do not provide the additional tools and training needed to achieve this vital goal. Take the time and spend some money on your website. Only you can decide what the right cost to earnings ratio is for you. FREE is good PROFITABLE is better.
Options 3 All-In-One Hosting from our article on Therapist Websites
Blue Host (set up to support templates)
Fat Cow (set up to support WordPress, phpBB, Joomla and more)
Siteground (supports WordPress, Joomla Services)
Site Build It
A sixteen year old teenager refuses to leave home and the therapist must review the situation from a MRI therapeutic approach. First, the MRI approach would not focus on the problem or how it developed but rather what efforts have the parent made to reach a resolution. MRI stems from the premise that families use practical attempts at resolving their situation but the attempts are ill-advised. MRI’s main focus is aimed at dilemma driven solutions; there is no advantage in long term change or what capacity the problem serves within the family.
As a school counselor, there is a ton of information to be learned as times change. While a counselor will learn basic therapy techniques, he or she will need to learn what works best with a certain group of children and how they'll interact on a daily basis with the kids. Perusing school counselor blogs can bring current information and give the counselor ideas on how to deal with the children in her school.
Therapeutic Services Program of Study By Emma Tallent There are many different programs of study to choose from at Heritage High School, but have you ever heard of therapeutic services? The therapeutic services program focuses primarily on changing the health status of the patient over time. Professionals work directly with patients; they may provide care, treatment, counseling and health education information. In other words, therapeutic services help people whether they are sick, injured, or if they need counseling.
An Occupational Therapist is a individual that can evaluate, develop, and help people regain and maintain daily living skills. Occupational Therapist work with people that have physical, mental and developmental conditions. The goal of the Therapist is to offer intervention that focus on teaching skills and helping the patient as well as the family on how to adapt and strengthen themselves so that they might be able to overcome physical obstacles. Occupational Therapist work with other health professionals in speech therapy, nursing, physical therapy and social work to ensure that the patients course of treatment aligns with the other areas.
Starting with two main options, a massage therapist can start their own business or work for someone else. However, there are many
What applied clinical problem would you most like to focus on in your PsyD studies and in the PsyD Clinical Psychology dissertation/doctoral project? Tell us something about your knowledge of the relevant theory and concepts, research, and the application of that scholarship to clinical practice.
If I could have my ideal future, I think it would be what people consider the American dream. Meaning a husband, children and a stable job, in my case a therapist. Although the American dream is much more than that, those are some pretty basic aspects of it. I think everyone strives to have those things I listed, but in terms of how those things will help me here at Georgia College and in my future goals the only one that really fits is my hope of having a job as a therapist.
One important role massage therapist has, is to make the client feel comfortable. The more experience you have within this field, the more confident the therapist would be during a massage session. The idea of the client feeling safe, emotional and/or psychologically, is the a way to receive an effective session (Porcino,2014). The more the client feels complacent, the more the client will be willing to return. Also if the client feels safe, the number of lawsuits would decrease.The American Massage Therapy Association’s Rules of Ethics(2) states that practitioners shall be truthful in advertising and marketing, and refrain from misrepresenting his or her services, charges for services, credentials, training, experience, ability or results
Understanding the counseling session from the client’s perspective is a very important aspect in the development of a therapeutic relationship. A clinician must be an excellent listener, while being to pay attention to the client’s body language, affect and tone. The dynamics in the counseling session that is beneficial to the client include the recognition of the pain that the client is feeling. The detrimental part of this includes a misunderstanding of the real issues, a lack of consideration of the cultural aspects of the client, and a lack of clinical experience or listening skills. In this presentation, we will discuss the positive and negative aspects of the counseling session from the client’s perspective which
The therapist and client relationship is important in effective therapy. The therapeutic relationship must be built upon before any technique and theory will be effective. Communicating real empathy and showing a genuine interest in the client will begin a solid therapeutic foundation. However, the therapist must “have the ability to stay outside the system while maintaining some emotional attachment to its members” (Patterson, Williams, Edwards, Chamow, & Grauf-Grounds, 2009, p. 107). This paper reviews and critiques an interview I recorded of a couple that pertains to clutter building up around the house. The goal of this activity was to seek out information using various questioning techniques and basic interviewing skills, and
Theories play an important role in how a counselor serves their clients. Theories provide counselors with a foundation on which to build their counseling style. “Theories ground us as professional counselors. They provide a means to understand what we are doing, how we are serving clients, and how to explain counseling to clients” (Erford, 2010). Counselors are responsible for being aware of different theories in order to apply them appropriately within their practice. Established and new theories play an important and constant role in mental health counseling. Established theories in mental health counseling are based on “empirical or scientific foundations” (American Counseling Association, 2005). The best way to gain the most
Telepsychology is a relatively new development within the field of mental health service. The American Psychological Association defines it as the “provision of psychological services using telecommunication technologies. . . Telecommunication technologies include but are not limited to telephone, mobile devices, interactive videoconferencing, email, chat, text, and Internet (e.g., self-help websites, blogs, and social media).”(2016). Within the general category of telepsychology, psychological services that are delivered via the internet are referred to as “e-therapy”, “itherapy”, “cybertherapy”, and other similar names. E-therapy is a natural extension of our technological advancement, the growth of psychology as a field, and our ever increasing
When I was in middle school I had a really rough time. I was emotionally distraught and generally confused about myself and where I fit in the world. My parents had divorced when I was eleven, and my Dad who had been diagnosed with PTSD was in and out of the picture. My mother who had tried to reach me every way she could felt helpless until our family Doctor gave her the name of a child therapist. This woman was amazing! She listened to me without judgement and offered solutions to help soothe my bottled emotions. She helped me to realize it was okay to be just who I was. She validated my feelings and she changed my life. That was the moment I knew I wanted to be a counselor.
Online therapy has emerged as a viable new option in the helping profession. Online therapy or e-therapy occurs when a therapist provides therapy and support over the Internet. E-mail, chat, video, or smart phone are all ways individuals can communicate through online therapy. Online therapy websites are abounding on the Internet, any individual seeking online therapy will surely find what they are looking for. This paper will evaluate and explain the content from
Physical therapists are members of a health care team, specially trained to improve movement and flinction, relieve pain, and expand movement potential. Through evaluation and individualized treatment programs, physical therapists can both treat existing problems and provide preventive health care for people with a variety of needs (Physical Therapy-Improving 1). Physical therapists are very knowledgeable and skillful concerning the human body. Physical therapy is a complex, but rewarding field to pursue as a career. Specialization, working conditions, job outlook, salaries, and education requirements need to be taken into consideration when contemplating a career as a physical therapist.