
Tourism's Effects On The Positive Effects Of Tourism Development

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The second effect is sociocultural. According to Dogan (1989), tourism development has a great effect on the socio-cultural characteristics of residents like habits, daily routines, social lives and beliefs, and values. They may lead to psychological tension. Firstly, there are many positives from tourism development. Brunt and Courtney (1999) mentioned that tourism can result in improved community services, additional park, recreation and cultural facilities and encouragement of cultural activities. Tourism also encourages cultural activities and improve cultural heritage (Gilbert & Clark 1997). However, this may lead to some negative like traditional family values ( Kousis, 1989); cultural commercialization ( Cohen, 1988); crime (Brunt & …show more content…

As mentions in tourism impacts, the main variable may affect residents’ perceptions and attitudes are socio-economic and demographic characteristics like gender, age, income, job, and education. According to Miyakuni (2012), some other variables connected to certain characteristics or circumstances of residents are a personal economic dependency, community attachment, utilization of tourism resources, physical distance from tourism destination, and the community’s stage of tourism development. For instance, in 2000, Mason and Cheyne found women to be more opposed to tourism development than men because of increased traffic, noise and crime. However, following Harrill (2004), women might be more opposed to tourism due to traditional wage and occupation difference. They explained that feminism is more community-oriented, and emphasizes on sensitivity and concern for others. Other studies found that the older is more likely to agree with the positive impacts of tourism (McGehee & Andereck 2004; Ward & Berno 2011). In the opposite point, Cavus and Tanrisevdi (2003) found that older Turkish residents hold more negative perceptions of tourism industry than young people.
Income is one of the most important factors affecting on residents’ perceptions and attitudes toward tourism. It is viewed as positive in many studies. For example, one study found that respondents earning yearly

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