
Traumatic Brain Injury And Analysis

Decent Essays

Katherine Krpan, Nicole Anderson and Donald Stuss examined the obstacles patients encountered when trying to cope with a traumatic brain injury. Coping with a TBI is the last outcome after the injury has occurred. Results showed that there were three factors which limit the individual’s ability to effectively cope with TBI. There is limited understanding of what is going on in the patient’s mind after diagnosis has been made. Often, those with TBI are incapable of performing complex actions or verbal processes and cannot explain how they are feeling about the injury. In addition, patients are unable to understand exactly why they cannot do their normal daily routines easily or without help. Finally, individuals with TBI’s often have other psychological factors which inhibit their inability to effectively cope with the injury; such as, depression, anxiety or PTSD. The area of the brain primarily concentrated on within this study was the frontal lobe and how different areas of damage within the frontal lobe effect the ability to cope with a TBI (Krpan, K. M., Anderson, N. D., & Stuss, D. T., 2013) .
Analysis: …show more content…

The article can be viewed as very important to the neuropsychological discourse community because it focuses on the coping mechanisms after a TBI has been diagnosed. Since coping is the last facet of a TBI, it is imperative that neuropsychologists understand how to work with patients through the coping process. This article can be applied to multiple discourse communities since the article was published in the Neurorehabilitation Journal, yet it can be applied to neuropsychologists since it focuses on brain and behavior. The area of the brain examined within the discussion section, examined the frontal lobe which involves higher cognitive

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