
Type 1 Diabetes Informative Speech Outline

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General Purpose: to inform. Specific Purpose: By the end of my speech, the audience will be able to gain knowledge and understanding of the causes of type 1 diabetes, of what the disease itself is and does in the body, and how it can effect long-term health. Central Idea: In my speech, I will discuss the causes of type 1 diabetes, what it is and what it does in the body, and the long-term effects of the disease. Introduction Type 1 diabetes is a disease that is most commonly diagnosed in children, is rarely diagnosed in adulthood, and “Diabetes at a glance” (2016) reveals that nearly two million people were newly diagnosed with the disease in 2016 in the U.S. alone, and one of the people included in that two million is myself. Throughout the …show more content…

Also, the fact that the disease can be inherited only brings more uncertainty and proves to be more difficult in tracking down similarities at diagnosis. (Transition: Now that you know the causes of the illness, let’s talk about what specifically happens in the body.) II. Type 1 diabetes is diagnosed in a patient when it has been determined that the body either does not produce insulin or it produces too little insulin. A. A common thought among most people is that all types of diabetes are related back to poor eating choices, which leads to insulin resistance, but that is NOT true. 1. We see a good explanation of what happens in the body in Hubbard (2017) where it reports that inside the pancreas the immune system attacks and destroys the beta cells, the cells that produce insulin. 2. Insulin is the hormone that breaks up all the carbohydrates from the food you eat and turns it into energy and regulates blood glucose levels while doing so, so without that hormone the body basically begins eating itself for energy, which results in extreme weight loss, fatigue, dehydration, and uncontrollable blood glucose levels that lead to many, many complications. B. The complications of uncontrolled blood glucose levels can be

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