General Purpose: to inform. Specific Purpose: By the end of my speech, the audience will be able to gain knowledge and understanding of the causes of type 1 diabetes, of what the disease itself is and does in the body, and how it can effect long-term health. Central Idea: In my speech, I will discuss the causes of type 1 diabetes, what it is and what it does in the body, and the long-term effects of the disease. Introduction Type 1 diabetes is a disease that is most commonly diagnosed in children, is rarely diagnosed in adulthood, and “Diabetes at a glance” (2016) reveals that nearly two million people were newly diagnosed with the disease in 2016 in the U.S. alone, and one of the people included in that two million is myself. Throughout the …show more content…
Also, the fact that the disease can be inherited only brings more uncertainty and proves to be more difficult in tracking down similarities at diagnosis. (Transition: Now that you know the causes of the illness, let’s talk about what specifically happens in the body.) II. Type 1 diabetes is diagnosed in a patient when it has been determined that the body either does not produce insulin or it produces too little insulin. A. A common thought among most people is that all types of diabetes are related back to poor eating choices, which leads to insulin resistance, but that is NOT true. 1. We see a good explanation of what happens in the body in Hubbard (2017) where it reports that inside the pancreas the immune system attacks and destroys the beta cells, the cells that produce insulin. 2. Insulin is the hormone that breaks up all the carbohydrates from the food you eat and turns it into energy and regulates blood glucose levels while doing so, so without that hormone the body basically begins eating itself for energy, which results in extreme weight loss, fatigue, dehydration, and uncontrollable blood glucose levels that lead to many, many complications. B. The complications of uncontrolled blood glucose levels can be
After being diagnosed with type one diabetes in 2003, I decided to use my experiences with diabetes as an inspiration for others. In June of 2011, I
Type 1 diabetes accounts for about 5 to 10 percent of diagnosed diabetes in the United States.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder, in which the pancreas does not produce insulin. It usually begins in childhood or adolescence. In Type 1 diabetes, the body’s immune system destroys beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that converts sugar, starches, and food into energy. Without insulin, blood glucose levels become too high, which is known as hyperglycemia. To prevent hyperglycemia, people with Type 1 diabetes must take insulin daily to survive. Genetic and environmental factors affect the onset of Type 1 diabetes. [1] According to the American Diabetes Association, a predisposition to Type 1 diabetes is
you gave a very informative response to this week's discussion question. As you noted Diabetes can cause other serious health issues, and a public health campaign may help with some cases. However, type one diabetes does not result from improper diet and exercise. Type one diabetes, results when the body's defenses destroys the body's insulin producers, hindering the body's ability to make and maintain circulating insulin levels (NIH, 2016). How would you combat this
Diabetics have an insulin problem Diabetes is a result of insulin not performing its job correctly. Since insulin does more than remove glucose from the bloodstream, including producing proteins, storing fats, and other metabolic processes, diabetes can have severe consequences. If it is not treated properly diabetes can lead to heart disease, stroke, eye problems (including blindness), kidney failure, problems with teeth and gums, male sexual problems, nerve problems, and circulation problems. The circulation problems could result in foot or leg amputation (Reddy 2).
Type one diabetes is one type of diabetes. Type one diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults. Only 5% of people with diabetes have this form of disease. In type one diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin. Type one diabetes is very rare and a terrible disease.
For my health project topic I chose Diabetes. One of my aunts has type one diabetes, and that is partially why I chose to do this topic. Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar) because of varying reasons. Some of these reasons include insulin production is inadequate or because the body’s cells don’t respond properly to insulin, or both. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas that regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. Basically it is a hormone needed to allow sugar (glucose) to enter cells to produce energy. The lack of insulin causes a form of diabetes. Diabetes is a long term condition that causes high blood sugar levels. People with high blood sugar have frequent urination (Polyuria) and become increasingly thirsty and hungry (Polydipsia and Polyphagia). There are three types of diabetes, Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational Diabetes. Type 1 is when the body does not produce insulin. Type 2 is when the body does not produce enough insulin for proper function. Finally, Gestational Diabetes may effect females during pregnancy.
This paper will discuss and critically analyze the health problem surrounding Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) among the population. The findings of this paper will be summarized about the epidemiological concepts, the natural progression, and the treatment that can be provided for this pandemic issue. Current statistics and resources will be implemented throughout this paper. In addition, the Best Practice Guidelines will be analyzed and implemented in order to provide effective care for those who are undergoing this specific health complication.
Did you know that diabetes was originally created by vampires to make human blood taste like kool-aid? This is not actually true, many people are often misled by certain information found online about diabetes and the disease’s history. Many people think that Type 1 diabetes is contagious or that someone can get Type 1 by eating too many sweets. None of these statements are true. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease where insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas are attacked and destroyed, and this can be caused by many different factors. Living with Type 1 diabetes has become easier to manage, although, it is still difficult at times. Learning the history of Type 1 can improve people’s
Type 1 Diabetes effects millions of people around the world (Michel & Montada-Atin, 2014). Most often, a person is diagnosed before their 30th birthday, with diagnosis commonly being between 11 and 13 years of age (Michel & Montada-Atin, 2014). Diabetes is a disease of the pancreas. More specifically, the breakdown of β cells in the pancreas causes the production of insulin to cease (Michel & Montada-Atin, 2014). Once the body is unable to
Type 1 diabetes mellitus is an autoimmune disease that results in insulin dependence due to failure of secretion of the hormone insulin by beta cells in the pancreas. Type 1 diabetes usually manifests in childhood, < 20 years of age – the reason for which it was formerly termed juvenile diabetes, and is more prevalent in Caucasians then in any other ethnicity (Diabetes Basics, n.d.). The key to proper management is early detection, patient education, and most importantly patient compliance.
Diabetes is a major problem in our society today. Many people have heard about the disease; however, they do not know too much about its complications. Diabetes is a chronic, progressive and lifelong condition that affects the body’s ability to use the energy found in food (WebMD, 2016). Many new cases are confirmed every year and unfortunately, many go undiagnosed for years. Diabetes is a serious disease and need to be taking seriously. The disease can lead to many other health problems such as blindness, nerve damage and kidney diseases. The more the community understand and made aware of the seriousness of the disease, the better it can be control and or prevented.
Today we have with us a 17 year old type 1 diabetic. He has been diagnosed six years ago and he is here to tell us his journey and struggles.
Type one diabetes is an autoimmune disease, commonly diagnosed in children and young adults, in which an individual’s pancreas doesn’t produce enough or any insulin at all. Insulin is a hormone that allows the body to breakdown food we eat in order to create energy. Type one diabetes takes place when the body’s immune system attacks and extinguishes beta cells, or insulin producing cells, found in the pancreas. There is no known
Gary Scheiner has experiences 32 years for type 1 diabetes. He is an author of many books. He also works with patients and focuses more on type 1 diabetes. After I attended the meeting, I learned that diabetes people need to keep their scale balance between physical activities, food intake and psychological. I gained deeper understanding about diabetes nutritional. That knowledge will help me in my future career, and it gave me a chance to review what I learned from classes that are actually apply to the reality. I learned that people who intake more fat in their meal, it would decrease the slow digestion. Besides that, huge amount of fat can cause insulin resistance that is the main reason of type 2 diabetes. When body has high insulin, the liver will have to work harder to secrete more than usual. Based on what information that he presented, I was able to see a brighter picture of what I learned from classes, and now it makes more sense to me in reality. Next, I learned that protein could also raise blood sugar. However, there are only two special case that protein can raise blood sugar are when people do not have enough carbohydrates, or when they eat too much protein. In these cases, protein can increase the blood sugar very fast. Besides protein and fat, people who have diabetes should decrease carbohydrate intake. There is only one type of carbohydrate will not increase blood sugar is fiber. That is why people with diabetes are highly