
Types Of Fake Friends Essay

Decent Essays

Classification of friends
Making friends is an essential part of growing up. When we're younger the friends we choose are often made shallowly. Children may befriend other children who have the favorite color as them. Or when you are a teenager you might befriend someone because they like the same musical artist as you. The older you get the more you realize these friends play a special part in your life. These people have different traits from their personality that appeals to you in one way or another. Either way, friends play an important part in a person's life. Friends are there to help you and provide support. Friends can also be used as a scapegoat when life is just becoming a bit much they can help you calm your nerves by just simply being there. Some people might look for loyalty, humor, and honesty in a friendship. There are four main types of friend's fake friends, social gatherers, acquaintance’s, and best friends.
The Fake Friend
The first type of friend is the fake friend. You will run into a fake friend at one point of your life. These are the people how parents typically always have a bad feeling about. Usually being younger we never really pay attention to the things our parents say about them. Or we never pay attention to all the signs of them being fake. Fake friends can talk about you behind your back. And they could also pretend they like you even though they don't. Fake friends are often just users. They ask you for favors, but never offer to do

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