
Types Of Problems Theory Of Psychology

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Types of Problems Theory that is most Useful Practitioners also use various types such as psychodynamic (and psychoanalytic) theory and therapy in the arena of behavior to tracking various aggressive problems. “This is one of the oldest theories of psychology in which patients are viewed within a model of illness or "what is lacking." Individuals in theory can be seen as being made up from a "dynamics" that begins in early childhood and progresses throughout life. Sansone, Wiederman, Hattic, & Flath, (2010). This psychodynamic way of thinking is generally a watered-down offshoot of the more conservative and rigid psychoanalytic school of thought. Psychoanalysis emphasizes that all adult problems ' roots can be traced back to …show more content…

Corey, (2013). Cognitive-behaviorists generally believe in the role of social learning in childhood development, and the ideas of modeling and reinforcement. People 's personalities come from some experiences in which they are involved in significant learning, recognition of appropriate (and inappropriate) thoughts and feelings, and replication of these behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. Corey, (2013). Therefore, if parents act like stuck-up, uptight individuals all their lives, and treat other people with little dignity or respect, a child, would learn to do much of the same thing. Children learn by observing and imitating. Transference can become a way of life before therapy. This is a social learning theory. There is also a lot of argument about how a human 's innate drives and behavior affect humans. It may be safe to say that there is such a belief that it is these innate drives, which underlie the motivation of human behavior. Corey, (2013). Dysfunction (a nice term for "messed up") is a natural offshoot of this theory then. If your drives are not properly reinforced, developed through proper and healthy social interactions, then you may learn unhealthy (or dysfunctional!) ways of coping with stress or life problems. Sansone, Wiederman, Hattic, & Flath, (2010).

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