Types of Problems Theory that is most Useful Practitioners also use various types such as psychodynamic (and psychoanalytic) theory and therapy in the arena of behavior to tracking various aggressive problems. “This is one of the oldest theories of psychology in which patients are viewed within a model of illness or "what is lacking." Individuals in theory can be seen as being made up from a "dynamics" that begins in early childhood and progresses throughout life. Sansone, Wiederman, Hattic, & Flath, (2010). This psychodynamic way of thinking is generally a watered-down offshoot of the more conservative and rigid psychoanalytic school of thought. Psychoanalysis emphasizes that all adult problems ' roots can be traced back to …show more content…
Corey, (2013). Cognitive-behaviorists generally believe in the role of social learning in childhood development, and the ideas of modeling and reinforcement. People 's personalities come from some experiences in which they are involved in significant learning, recognition of appropriate (and inappropriate) thoughts and feelings, and replication of these behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. Corey, (2013). Therefore, if parents act like stuck-up, uptight individuals all their lives, and treat other people with little dignity or respect, a child, would learn to do much of the same thing. Children learn by observing and imitating. Transference can become a way of life before therapy. This is a social learning theory. There is also a lot of argument about how a human 's innate drives and behavior affect humans. It may be safe to say that there is such a belief that it is these innate drives, which underlie the motivation of human behavior. Corey, (2013). Dysfunction (a nice term for "messed up") is a natural offshoot of this theory then. If your drives are not properly reinforced, developed through proper and healthy social interactions, then you may learn unhealthy (or dysfunctional!) ways of coping with stress or life problems. Sansone, Wiederman, Hattic, & Flath, (2010).
Cognitive Theory is the focus on how human development changes throughout time according to their experiences. Jean Piaget the pioneer for this theory; believed that we must understand how humans think in order to understand their behavior. Knowing this is important to apply to my worldview, because it will give me a better understanding of those I come in contact with. It is important to nurture and show compassion to those who come from different
One of the psychodynamic models strengths are it looks at the very deepest parts of a person and tries to heal them from the inside out. It works well for people who have general distress, personality patterns or tendencies, and psychosomatic conditions (“CBT or Psychodynamic Therapy,” n.d.). Another strength how to psychodynamic model focuses on how the past, our childhood, can influence current behavior. For many people their childhood shapes who they become. Freud proposed that a person could become fixated at early developmental stages and it could lead to abnormal functioning in the future (Comer, 2014, p. 55).
They are many theories in psychology that can be used to “understand” behaviour, two theories I am going to look at are; Psychodynamic approach and the humanistic approach. I will discuss these 2 psychological theories of development and explain how it accounts for the psychological development, health and behaviour of the individual.
Each person is a social being and is aware of the environment that they live in. People learn from their experiences as well as from observing others. When children learn about their environment first hand or by observing another, negative and positive behaviors are reinforcement. If a child does a behavior and receives a reward for that behavior, the rewarded behavior is reinforced. Similarly, when someone witnesses negative consequences based on their behavior, they tend to modify that behavior (Schmied & Tully, 2009, p. 9).
“The studies discussed so far have shown that existential beliefs require a certain level of cognitive development to be fully expressed”. (Berring, 2006) This came from the article and is a very good statement on what the article stood for.
Psychology is the scientific “study of the mind” (Gross, 2015) and behavior, which includes the study of humans and animals. There are various approaches in modern psychology. A theoretical approach is a perspective (view) about human behavior, there may be several different theories within an approach, but they all share these common assumptions and principles. (McLeod, 2007). A theory is an attempt by theorists to try to explain behavior. Theories are not facts but can be verified by testing. Theories can then be evaluated which I aim to do through this essay, where I will briefly explain the theoretical approaches in psychology and aim to focus on an analysis for each perspective which consist of the psychodynamic, humanist, cognitive and behavioral approaches where I will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each approach separately.
Psychodynamic theories may vary in their individual descriptions of intrapsychic and psychosocial processes and forces, but most follow concepts from Freudian psycho-analysis. There are five main key concepts regarding the psychodynamic theory. The first, the importance of early childhood experiences in personality development. Second, the existence of unconscious and preconscious motivation, unconscious is the part of the mind that holds ideas, thoughts, and memories that we cannot access and bring into our conscious awareness (Canda, Chatterjee, and Robbins, 2012). In contrast, preconscious holds ideas, thoughts, and memories that we are not currently thinking of, but if we concentrate, we can bring those to our conscious part of mind (Canda,
Psychodynamic Theory The psychodynamic theory, also known as the psychoanalytic theory is based on personality and the dynamics of mental energy. The psychodynamic process exhibits how mental energy flows from one personality structure to another. There are three main structures of the mind. ID is the personality system everyone is born with.
My father always told them that you could begin to act like those you hang around with, whether good or bad. In other words, our peers easily influence us. I can remember this from a very early age, even growing up in the same household, attending the same school and church, etc. our values and standards are quite different from one another. Even in the animal kingdom, genetics is evident. I was watching a nature video by David Attenborough about birds. The video showed how different species laid their eggs. The cuckoo bird would lay her eggs in the nests of unlike species. As the baby cuckoo bird cracked its shell, even before it was able to see, it would immediately begin pushing all the other eggs out of the nest in order to be the only bird fed by its adoptive mother. This is not a case of something learned, as much as it is instinctive. Having said that, I believe who we are as human beings is the combination of both nature and nurture that our genes and environment work together. I believe certain traits and abilities are inherited, however I also believe social structure plays a most active role in who we become and what
The medical model is the concept that abnormal behavior (or psychological disorders) have a physical cause and can be treated medically, much like a disease or an injury. Supporters of the medical model consider the symptoms of the patient to be outward signs of the inner physical disorder and it is believed that if symptoms are grouped together and classified into a ‘syndrome’ the true physical cause can be discovered and physical treatment can be given to the patient that will potentially cure them.
The field of psychology is steadily expanding due to the progression in technology, which is being driven by the advancement of civilization. More and more time is spent on the internet, which has gradually altered the method in which primary communication takes place. Previously face-to-face interaction was touted as the primary method of interfacing with one another, now communication via the internet is almost mandatory to establish and maintain healthy relationships (Greenfield and Yan, 2006). This is especially true amongst children, adolescents and teenagers. The need for psychologists have never been greater in order to assess how individuals are able to acclimate to this societal change. Traditionally, there are two methods in which children, adolescents and teenagers communicate via the internet, through social media and video games. Each primary method presents their own unique social challenge. In response to the issues in of teenagers over use of the internet, psychologists are providing assistance for internet addictions at a greater rate. The first method utilized by mental health professionals is traditionally counseling and if those efforts fail, then the potential exists for adolescents to be placed on medications.
Psychoanalytic theory was widely popularized by Sigmund Freud, and postulates that there are reasons affecting the
One of the oldest arguments in the history of psychology is the Nature vs Nurture debate. This said debate is important in whether the child’s development is based only in genetics or environmental impacts. The definition of nurture refers to all the environmental variables that impact who we are. Throughout the child’s development, it is seen that the genetic influence over abstract traits of the child may exist; but, the environmental factors are the real origins of our behavior. This shows that the use of conditioning in the aspects of physical, social, and moral is crucial to the child’s development as it is the product of maturation. In the physical aspect, it shows that the deprivation of the mother while inside her womb will develop
The ability of an individual to learn from other people’s experience is a unique character associated with conditioning controlled behavior. Children are more likely and willing to repeat certain behaviors in cases where they have been rewarded, as they have developed the feeling that what they did is acceptable.
Children are HIGHLY susceptible to picking things up that they watch happen. So for example, if a child was to watch their parents fight, maybe just yelling, or even physical, over and over again, that child is very likely to respond to similar situations with actions that reflect what they saw their parents doing. The parents may not have purposely taught their child to behave in such a manner, but it is what the child learned by watching.