
Types Of Rule Static And Dynamic Source

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2.2. Business Rules ID Rule definition Type of rule Static or Dynamic Source BR-1 A persistent URL only redirect to one target URL. Constraint static PURL editor BR-2 Responses to an HTTP request must contain a HTTP status code and location header. Constraint static PURL editor BR-3 Only organizations have authority to create and editor persistent URLs rather than individual users. Constraint dynamic Pifaro policy BR-4 Users must log into the system before take actions. Constraint static Pifaro policy 2.3. Scope of Initial Release and Subsequent Releases Feature Release 1 Release 2 Release 3 FE-1, Create PURLs User can only create persistent URLs by system user interface. Fully implemented. FE-2, Create PURLs for different types User can …show more content…

Generate error report. FE-18, Restore the system Not implemented. Not implemented. Fully implemented. 2.4. Limitations and Exclusions LI-1: The system cannot automatically check the availability of persistent URLs, so that the owners of PURLs will need to manage them. LI-2: The system does not have the ability to protect itself from hackers. LI-3: Some users sign in the system through external authorization and authentication services. If these services break or could not work well, users would have difficulties in using the system. LI-4: The system does not have self-check functions, so it relies on an external monitor system Nagios. 2.4 Other Constraints 1. Project team size – As CASI is defined as a small organization, so we assume there are 13 team members in total to develop the system, with one project manager, one business analyst, six developers, two testers, one staff who is responsible for deployment and two for maintenance. Small project team size may affect project progress. 2. Lack of experience – Since CASI is the company that focuses on designing and developing software and never develop project related to PURL before, so they may lack of experience on developing this project. 3. Communication with various customer – Although DSA is defined as the main customer, there are still other potential customers and each of them may request for different functionalities. It will increase the pressure on business analyst, as he/she needs to

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