
Ubiquity of Bacteria

Decent Essays

Microbial Diversity and Ubiquity

Microorganisms are microscopic organisms that are so small that that they can only be visualized by the aid of a compound-brightfield microscope. While we generally cannot see individual microorganisms with the naked eye, they are present in virtually every habitat known to man. Microorganisms can be prokaryotic—the bacteria or eukaryotic—the algae, protozoa or fungi. While viruses are acellular they are also studied in the scope of microbiology because they are small and because they infect cells. While most bacterial are unicellular they can also exist in colonial or multicellular forms. In this laboratory exercise you will examine the ubiquity and diversity of various microbes that are …show more content…

Observe the plate that contains your inoculum after the first cleaning step (if applicable). What do you observe?

Observe the plate that contains you inoculum after the second cleaning step (if applicable). What do you observe?

Now that you have observed the morphology and the characteristics of two different colonies in some detail, you will apply what you have learned in the previous laboratory exercise (Use of the Compound Brightfield Microscope) to examine individual bacteria within these colonies. Bacteria have three typical morphologies: the cocci (spherical bacteria), the bacilli (rod-shaped bacteria) and the spiral or curved shaped bacteria, such as the spirillum, the spirochetes and the Vibrio spp. Using the technique that you used in the microscopy exercise you will prepare a wet mount of bacteria from the two colonies that you have just studied. (Note:: If the numbers of bacteria on your plate are too numerous to pick from an individual colony sample bacteria from your neighbor’s plate.)

Place a small drop of sterile media onto a microscope slide. Take a small sample of the bacteria from the colony using your inoculating loop. It is important that you use asceptic technique when sampling the bacteria as you will be looking at a pure bacterial sample. Flame your inoculating loop as shown by the instructor and allow the loop to cool without waving the loop it the air. When you sample the bacteria make

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